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Articles sur Coalition

Affichage de 141 à 160 de 263 articles

The leaders debate returned Western Australia to the political spotlight this week. Wes Mountain/The Conversation, CC BY-ND

State of the states: more preference deals as pre-polling begins

Pre-poll votes within the first 24 hours were almost double the number at the same stage in 2016. That could hurt some minor parties who traditionally spend big in the last few weeks of a campaign.
Political advertising has moved away from traditional media and is now more prevalent on platforms like Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram. AAP/ALP/Liberal Party/GetUp!/Australian Youth Climate Coalition

Facebook videos, targeted texts and Clive Palmer memes: how digital advertising is shaping this election campaign

The major parties are focusing on social media like never before to get their messaging out – and finding more creative ways to do it.
Arthur Caldwell almost defeated Robert Menzies in the 1961 federal election, dominated by debate over the economy and unemployment. National Archives, National Library of Australia, Wikimedia

Issues that swung elections: the ‘credit squeeze’ that nearly swept Menzies from power in 1961

In 1960, Harold Holt, the then-treasurer, urged the government to abolish import restrictions, resulting in a minor recession. This nearly swung the election in the ALP’s favour.
Before Australia elects a new PM to manage the country’s foreign relations, it’s vital to have a bigger debate on foreign policy, so voters know how each candidate would lead. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Foreign policy should play a bigger role in Australian elections. This is why it probably won’t

There have historically been few key points of difference on foreign policy during elections. Despite daunting challenges on the global stage, this year’s election campaign looks to be much the same.
Religious beliefs about hierarchical gender roles can influence attitudes towards family and domestic violence. Shutterstock

New study finds family violence is often poorly understood in faith communities

Women experiencing family and domestic violence within faith communities can face attitudes and practices that encourage them to stay in relationships with their abusers.
Most Australians have had enough of the opportunistic point-scoring that characterises politics today and want leaders who put the public interest first. Mick Tsikas/Lukas Coch/AAP

New research shows Australians lack faith in our political parties to provide real leadership

According to a new survey, nearly a third of Australians believe the Coalition shows no ‘leadership for the public good’. Labor fared little better.
According to new research, the ABC stands to lose A$783 million in total funding by 2022, unless steps are taken to reverse budget cuts. Shutterstock

The ABC didn’t receive a reprieve in the budget. It’s still facing staggering cuts

Yes, the ABC received A$43.7 million to continue funding its ‘enhanced news gathering’ operation in the 2019 budget, but this is a drop in the bucket compared to how much it stands to lose.

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