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Articles sur Donald Trump

Affichage de 2621 à 2640 de 3464 articles

Trump poses with his brain trust. Mark Lennihan/AP Photo

White House in turmoil shows why Trump’s no CEO

He campaigned on the notion that his business experience would equip him to ‘make America great again,’ but running a family company is poor training for the presidency.
Lincoln in 1858; Trump in his official White House portrait, 2017. Abraham Byers/unknown

Five lessons Trump could learn from Lincoln

The most hated president in US history could teach our new leader a few things.
A woman holds Pope Francis’ head during his meeting with representatives of indigenous peoples at the Vatican on Feb. 15, 2017. L'Osservatore Romano/Pool Photo via AP

What makes a mountain, hill or prairie a ‘sacred’ place for Native Americans?

Pope Francis appears to have defended Native American protests on the North Dakota pipeline issue. Indigenous cultures have a right to defend ‘their ancestral relationship to the Earth,’ he said.

The Conversation Global videos

The Conversation Global’s video series: same in-depth analysis and expert insight, new format.
The New Thought movement left behind an important legacy. Wesley Nitsckie

Why you should know about the New Thought movement

A 19th-century movement, New Thought, came to a have deep influence on the prosperity gospel - that faith could lead one to health and material wealth. What does it tell us about Trump’s faith?
Trump and the United Nations: a difficult relationship. Lucas Jackson/Reuters

Can the United Nations adapt to Donald Trump?

Most of Trump’s positions go against the principles accepted by the United Nations. The new Secretary-General will have to try to find areas of mutual concern to work with the new US administration.
Trump and Netanyahu participate in a joint news conference on Feb. 15, 2017. P Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Netanyahu’s meeting with Trump: Good for Israeli-Palestinian peace?

Israeli settlements are one main reason many observers are increasingly pessimistic about the prospects for peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Can Trump break through?
Rwandan President Paul Kagame attending a 2016 climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco. Mohamed Messara/EPA

How the relationship between Rwanda and Trump’s America could change

A Trump presidency brings into question America’s traditional approach to Africa, especially Rwanda. But a true shift in US foreign policy in Africa is not a priority for the Trump administration.

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