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Articles sur Egypt

Affichage de 81 à 100 de 306 articles

The Picts, the indigenous people of what is today northern Scotland, were documented by Roman historians as having complex tattoos. Theodor de Bry, via Wikimedia Commons

Tattoos have a long history going back to the ancient world – and also to colonialism

The pandemic has made some people rush to get tattoos for different reasons. A tattoo historian explains why tattoos are often seen to be ‘trashy,’ a view likely influenced by colonialism.
The procession of ships in the Suez canal for its opening. Illustration from the magazine “The Illustrated London News, volume LV, November 18, 1869. DEA / BIBLIOTECA AMBROSIANA/Getty Images

The toll and toil it took to cleave the Suez Canal through the Egyptian desert

Prior to the mid-19th century, the Isthmus of Suez – the 125km strip of land that lies between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea – was a quiet spot.

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