The T-Mobile-Sprint merger is the latest example of weakened enforcement of antitrust laws, which reduces competition and exacerbates already-record levels of inequality.
The United States is exhibiting several of the signs that have historically resulted in uprisings and revolutions. Is another American revolution looming?
Nicolas Herault, The University of Melbourne; John Creedy, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington et Norman Gemmell, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington
At 33%, New Zealand’s highest income tax rate is relatively low compared to other economies. Lifting it and cutting tax for low-income earners could improve welfare.
The IMF has increasingly turned its focus to growing inequality worldwide. Ironically, research shows that policy reforms it mandated exacerbated income inequalities.
The main problem plaguing Alberta students’ math performance isn’t the current math curriculum or teacher accountability, but inequality and ballooning class sizes.
In the face of climate change, the poorest are suffering from the excess emissions of CO₂ linked to the lifestyle of the richest. It is time to act, in the name of climate and social justice.
John Stanley, University of Sydney; Janet Stanley, The University of Melbourne et Peter Brain, National Institute of Economic and Industry Research
State and local governments can’t do much about the rapid population growth in Melbourne, but they can take steps to reduce the costs of growing disparities between the outer suburbs and inner city.
Just as America’s highways, sewage systems and water pipes need fixing, so does the growing gap between rich and poor. Trump and the Democrats could use that money to address both.
The Morrison government’s tax changes will benefit high income earners the most and low income earners the least, says the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling.