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Articles sur Thomas Piketty

Affichage de 1 à 20 de 36 articles

Thomas Piketty has demonstrated how inequality can be – and has been over time – fundamentally destructive of sustained economic growth. Reuters/Charles Platiau

If we are reaching neoliberal capitalism’s end days, what comes next?

The crisis confronting neoliberal capitalism suggests that its internal contradictions are now undermining its very foundations. What can we expect from a post-neoliberal world?
A look at spending inequality suggests America is a bit more equal than we thought. Economic inequality via

We’ve been measuring inequality wrong – here’s the real story

A new study on inequality analyzes the impact of fiscal policy, dramatically altering the standard view of rich and poor in America. It may also change how voters and candidates think about the issue.
Workers in a bank watch as Occupy Wall Street protesters march in New York as part of the populist movement protesting economic inequality. Reuters/Joshua Lott

Why inequality matters – for the rich and the poor

The Marikana tragedy has indicated the violent nature of the struggles over resources and income shares. Inequality must be fought because it perpetuates social injustice.
Women wait in line to fill buckets from a communal clean tap in Masiphumelele, Cape Town, South Africa. The country has extremely high levels of inequality. Nic Bothma/Reuters

Why inequality will not be fixed with Pikettian posturing and distorted data

Thomas Piketty’s visit reminds us of the need to reconsider South African inequality-fibbery. His inequality critique is vital, but only if it can withstand the neoliberal embrace.
Thomas Piketty argues that education is a big equaliser in a highly unequal society like South Africa. But it must be good quality education. Reuters/Rogan Ward

FactCheck: is South Africa the most unequal society in the world?

Twenty years ago, Brazil and South Africa were in a similar position when it comes to inequality. Brazil has made significant progress in addressing this, but South Africa hasn’t.
A view of Alexandra township, a slum overlooking the Sandton skyscrapers in Johannesburg. Addressing inequality has been a major challenge for South Africa. Reuters/Juda Ngwenya

Piketty’s contribution to unpacking inequality: timely and relevant

Will Thomas Piketty’s visit to South Africa trigger the rewriting of the country’s recent economic history? His analysis and ideas on how to address inequality are hard to ignore.
The Global South is engineering new anti-poverty strategies, leaving traditional left analysts in a quandry. Reuters/Nacho Doce

The study of inequality has been mainstreamed – what now for the left?

Could the surge of worker and popular resistance worldwide provide the global trade union movement with an opportunity to take the lead in developing a broad coalition of social forces?

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