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Video games have inspired a revolution in university teaching. Pictured here is a scene from the popular game Fortnite Battle Royale. (Sergey Galyonkin, Epic Games Berlin via Wikimedia Commons)

How playful design is transforming university education

University course designers are harnessing the addictive quality of video games to develop ‘Serious educational games’ that engage and motivate students.
Police at the scene of a shooting in Toronto’s Greektown on July 23, 2018. The parents of Faisal Hussain, whose shooting spree left two people dead and 13 injured, say their son had struggled all his life with psychosis and depression, but none of the medications or therapies he tried were able to overcome his mental illness. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Christopher Katsarov

Social media can be information poison when we need facts most

Social media abhors informational vacuums and speed eclipses accuracy. That allows pseudo-experts, agitators and even liars to circulate rumours and poisonous information when big news breaks.
A woman wipes a tear as Toronto’s Greektown neighbourhood community gathers for a candlelit vigil to honour the victims of a deadly shooting in Toronto on July 22 that killed an 18-year-old woman and a 10-year-old girl. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

Toronto shooting: The psychology of loss, fear and identity

After acts of violence, we want to make sense of what is right and wrong and where we stand in the world. But we must ensure our belief systems are periodically and systematically checked.
Former White House strategist Steve Bannon holds a news conference with National Front party leader Marine Le Pen in the northern French city of Lille in March 2018. (AP Photo)

Stephen Bannon’s world: Dangerous minds in dangerous times

Fears about the resurgence of fascism might have seemed irrelevant during the past 70 years, when it was discredited. It doesn’t seem irrelevant today with liberal democracy on the defensive.
Why do we sometimes punish the virtuous among us? It’s complicated. (Photo by 小胖 车 on Unsplash)

Why we sometimes hate the good guy

Is the expression ‘no good deed goes unpunished’ accurate? New research shows we often do, in fact, punish those who do good deeds.
U.S. President Donald Trump gives North Korean leader Kim Jong Un a thumbs up during their meeting at a resort on Sentosa Island in Singapore on June 12, 2018. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Casino Diplomacy: The Trump game that everyone loses

Donald Trump is unmoved by high risks and wild odds, apparently feeling that his sheer cunning will always win, including, now, in geopolitics — his latest casino.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford leaves a meeting with federal and municipal officials on the Toronto mass shooting. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nick Kozak

Taking on Ford Nation: How to fight right-wing populism

If Ontario’s NDP and Liberals want to undermine Doug Ford’s agenda, they’ll need to learn from other centrist and left-wing politicians who have successfully challenged right-wing populism.
Does your morality come from your religion? Not really. Trafalgar Square (Stop B), London, United Kingdom. Malcolm Lightbody/Unsplash

Religion does not determine your morality

Many believe their morality comes from their religion. But evidence suggests that people’s opinion of what God thinks is actually what they believe is right and wrong, not the other way around.
Jong Seok Kim, a player for the London Spitfires team in the Overwatch League, which gets primetime coverage on ESPN. Will e-sports soon be part of the Olympics? Robert Paul/Blizzard Entertainment

Why e-sports should not be in the Olympics

The International Olympic Committee recently hosted a meeting on e-sports – organized video competitions. Should e-sports be in the Olympic Games? An Olympian says no.
In this 1999 photo, author Michael Ondaatje poses at Coach House Press in Toronto. In addition to receiving a coveted spot on the 2018 Man Booker longlist for ‘Warlight,’ Michael Ondaatje recently won the Golden Man Booker prize for his critically acclaimed novel ‘The English Patient.’ (CP PHOTO/Kevin Frayer)

Ondaatje’s win of the Golden Man Booker Prize is complicated

The meanings of Ondaatje’s Golden Man Booker win is complicated and demonstrates the contradictions of literary value. Literary prizes permit us to imagine that literature is more than a commodity.
A national pharmacare program may one day be a reality in Canada. Myths abound about how it would work and what the consequences would be for Canadians and pharmaceutical companies. (Shutterstock)

Debunking the myths about a Canadian pharmacare program

As Canadians consider possibilities for pharmacare reform in the coming months, they should have access to the best available evidence about how it might work in our country.
The formula industry has responded to the decline in sales to white women at home by ramping up its marketing to Black and brown women overseas. (Shutterstock)

U.S. support of formula over breastfeeding is a race issue

American support of the formula industry comes at the cost of the health and lives of Black and brown babies, at home and abroad.
Gin Lane, a scene of urban desolation with gin-crazed Londoners; a woman lets her child fall to its death and an emaciated ballad-seller. William Hogarth

America looks hopeless – a lot like the ‘mother country’ once did

When the U.S. broke away from the “mother country,” the dream was to let the common good overruled selfish and private interests. Yet the federal government is arranged so this can never occur.
The era of two school systems in Ontario should be riding into the sunset. There are enormous cost savings and community benefits to be had by merging the public and separate school systems. A school bus is seen here in Markham, Ont. (Shutterstock)

It’s time to merge Ontario’s two school systems

The time to consolidate Ontario’s two school systems is long overdue. It’s no longer viable to dismiss the issue on Constitutional grounds. All that’s needed is political will.
Will facial recognition software make the world a safer place, as tech firms are claiming, or will it make the marginalized more vulnerable and monitored? Shutterstock

Big Brother facial recognition needs ethical regulations

Facial recognition software is an Orwellian concept that will monitor and regulate the public. Most disturbing is the recent announcement by China to use it in school systems.
China’s aspirations of global dominance will hit a snag given the world’s other major powers identify democratic values as central to their national identies. Only China and Russia do not. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing in June 2018. (AP Photo/Dake Kang)

The prospects for Chinese leadership in an age of upheaval

New research suggests the values and identities of the world’s great powers present a major barrier to China’s aspirations of global domination. Do not bet on China’s hegemonic prospects just yet.
Molly Shoichet, Ontario’s first chief scientist, was fired by the provinces newly elected premier, Doug Ford. (Roberta Baker/University of Toronto)

Who needs science advice anyway? Governments, for one

Governments lean on science advisers for guidance on increasingly complex issues of great concern, including oil and gas development, drug legalization, water quality and the environment.
Many board games strengthen the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of the brains of players. This results in improved cognitive functions such as IQ, memory, information retention and problem-solving. (Shutterstock)

Play games with your kids this summer to boost their brains

From dyslexia, to dementia to schizophrenia, there is evidence that playing games can help, while boosting family connections and emotional wellbeing.
Mary Ng is hugged by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after being sworn in as Minister of Small Business and Export Promotion during a swearing-in ceremony at Rideau Hall on July 18, 2018. The cabinet shuffle sets the stage for the next federal election in the fall of 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Trudeau’s cabinet shuffle patches holes before next election

With a federal election next year, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has shuffled his cabinet. What do the new faces in new jobs tell us about where the government feels it could be challenged?
Actors Luana Anders and Peter Fonda smoking a joint in a scene from the 1969 film ‘Easy Rider,’ a countercultural movie that influenced drug use by baby boomers in the 1960s. (Columbia Pictures)

How Canadian boomers got into pot

Canada will soon legalize marijuana. For aging baby boomers, the move is a culmination of a cultural phenomenon that started in the 1960s.
Mario Mandzukic celebrates during Croatia’s victory over England in the World Cup semifinal. Croatia’s emphasis of team over individual goals was crucial to its success. AP Photo/Frank Augstein)

What businesses can learn from teamwork at the World Cup

The importance of the team is fundamental in sport – and in business. A look at how some over-achieving squads performed in the recent World Cup can provide a valuable lesson for business leaders.
In 2016, the Ontario government promised the province’s schools would teach all students about residential schools and add more Indigenous perspectives into the provincial curriculum. The newly elected Conservative government has scrapped those plans. Library and Archives Canada

Nixing plans to add Indigenous content to Ontario curriculum is a travesty

Ontario’s move to ignore the calls of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to add Indigenous content to its history and social studies curriculum is foolish and dangerous.
Cities were once considered a source of many problems. But that vision has changed over the last generation. Graeme Roy

Our changing views of the city: A new urban celebration

Our current celebration of cities is a big shift from the past generation when cities were seen to contain all of our problems. Should we believe the hype? Are the new ideas equally problematic?