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The author, Joe Recupero, as he competed in the Tough Mudder race in 2014. Alison Webb

How to use anger as a defence against ageism

Sports can be a healthy place for aggression and combat. It can also be a space for us to build community, test our limits and build resilience - no matter what our age.
No one really knows for certain what the market potential is for cannabis, much less for edibles, but growth opportunities are palatable. (Shutterstock)

The trouble with edibles

Cannabis-infused food products could shake up the food industry.
Quebec theatre director Robert Lepage’s play SLĀV was cancelled in Montreal after accusations of racial insensitivity because it featured few Black actors. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn

‘I don’t see race’ and other white lies

A recent controversy surrounding Québec director Robert Lepage has had some people claiming to be colour-blind when in comes to race. But nothing could be further from the truth.
U.S. President Donald Trump speaks with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a news conference after their meeting at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland on July 16, 2018. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

The Trump-Putin summit: Hired hand at work?

In the hands of a legitimate president, the recent indictments against Russian nationals for interfering in the 2016 presidential election would have been a powerful tool at a summit. Not Donald Trump.
Peter Thomas of the Winnipeg Art Gallery (left), Marcel Dionne of Roarockit (centre) and Jaimie Isaac, curator for Indigenous/Contemporary at the Winnipeg Art Gallery (right), are seen building a skateboard using a do-it-yourself kit in this 2017 photo. Art and design schools should reward those who actually build and create more than they do design theorists. (Author provided)

Art and design schools must cultivate creators, not theorists

Even as our world goes digital, there will always be an appetite for craftsmanship, for art and for the work only human hands can truly bring to life. Art and design schools should celebrate creators.
Elon Musk may be on the hot seat for political donations and slurs against a British cave rescuer in Thailand, but his offer to pay for water filters in Flint, Mich., is laudable. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)

Can Elon Musk fix Flint’s water?

If Elon Musk can help achieve safe drinking water more quickly for every home in Flint, Mich., then he should be lauded. Water is life.
Recent research shows that many students who are using cannabis for medicinal reasons are also replacing their prescription medications with it. (Shutterstock)

The truth about cannabis on Canadian campuses

Cannabis may not be legal yet in Canada, but university students are already big consumers and increasingly willing to talk about it.
Women selling farm produce in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. (Shutterstock)

Games boost student nutrition in Nigerian schools

Obesity and malnutrition now coexist across sub-Saharan Africa thanks to a transition to Western diets. “Gamifying” nutrition programs can help nudge youth towards healthier eating patterns.
Women gather outside of the Vancouver Art Gallery in 2013 to dance as a part of the One Billion Rising movement, a global campaign by women for women which calls for the an end to violence against women. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Everyday terrorism: A woman or girl is killed every other day in Canada

We tend to pay attention to mass killings and terrorism. But one girl or woman is killed every other day in Canada. If we identify that as terrorism, we might pay more attention and do something.
Javier Garrido Martinez holds his four-year-old son during a news conference in New York on July 11, 2018. The pair were reunited after being separated for almost two months when authorities stopped them at the U.S. southern border. (AP Photo/Robert Bumsted)

The disgrace of detaining asylum seekers and other migrants

The U.S. immigration detention system under Donald Trump is abusive, racist, sexist and haphazardly implemented, all designed to terrorize people attempting to exercise their right to seek asylum.
Faith Goldy, an alt-right champion who appeared in an interview on a white nationalist site, speaks outside Wilfrid Laurier Univesity in March 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Hannah Yoon

How not to defend free speech

Free speech may protect offensive speech, but we degrade this central right when we see it as simply the right to offend, regardless of the impact on others.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford, seen here walking on the front lawn of the Ontario Legislature in June, is vowing to deliver on his campaign promise to scrap the “disastrous” cap-and-trade system and fight a federal carbon tax. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn

Taxpayers will back a carbon tax if they get a cheque in the mail

Ontario and Saskatchewan are vociferously fighting the federal government’s carbon tax efforts. But rather than back down, Ottawa should embrace a simple, fair and transparent “carbon dividend.”
Workers produce medical marijuana at Canopy Growth Corporation’s Tweed facility in Smiths Falls, Ont., in February 2018. The company wants a a “greenhouse outlet” to sell its products. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Provinces prepare to push pot

Provincially owned cannabis retailers have a lot to do before cannabis goes on sale in Canada on Oct 17.
Activists protest in Barcelona, Spain on June 21, 2018. A Spanish court triggered a new wave of outrage by granting bail to five men acquitted of gang rape and convicted instead on a lesser felony of sexual abuse, a case that has shocked Spain. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

Rethinking the penalties for rape

Germaine Greer’s recent comments about the punishments for rape show the need for more complex, evidence-based discussions about trauma and the criminal justice system.
The commitment of vegan businesses to animal welfare is laudable, but are they being sheep in their labour practices by doing things the old way? Researchers are asking questions about their labour standards and commitment to social justice. (Shutterstock)

It’s not business as usual for vegan businesses

While the commitment of vegan businesses to animal well-being is laudable, is that where their ethical commitments stop? Are they reproducing bare-minimum labour standards, or aiming higher?
A whale shark moves towards a piece of plastic in the ocean. (Shutterstock)

Not all marine fish eat plastics

If we are truly invested in addressing the issue of marine plastic and offsetting the potential harms, we have to understand which fish eat plastic and which ones don’t.
Is Donald Trump a pawn of Russia? A mini-blimp floating during anti-Trump protests in London depicts the president as a giant baby – just as he prepares to meet with Vladimir Putin. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham)

Is Trump Putin’s ‘stooge?’

As Donald Trump prepares to meet with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, here’s a detailed explanation of how one goes about subverting democracy via a stooge.
The future of local news is sobering but not without some measure of hope. By illuminating both the values and challenges besetting local journalism, we can reimagine a new day for local news. (Shutterstock)

The future of local news is one bound with our own

Local news is in peril. Here’s what can be done to save it.
In this Nov. 12, 2017 file photo, participants march against sexual assault and harassment at the #MeToo March in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles. Lawmakers are expected to take up bills to crack down on sexual harassment when they return from their summer recess in August 2018. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes,file)

When is #MeToo coming to my workplace? Eight things you can do now

While the #MeToo movement has been revolutionary, some workplaces will be slow to change. Here are seven things we can all do to help stop toxic work environments.
Canadian runner Leslie Sexton crosses the finish line as the fastest Canadian woman to compete in the Toronto Marathon on October 22, 2017. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Christopher Katsarov)

Will a nutritional supplement help you run better?

New research aims to better understand the bodies of runners, so that ‘smart’ nutritional supplements can be developed.
A different decision from the Supreme Court of Canada on inter-provincial trade barriers could have, among other things, finally forced politicians to deal with the country’s problematic supply management system for the dairy and poultry sectors. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

The measly $292.50 that could have transformed Canada’s agrifood sector

The Gérard Comeau case was never just about beer. It was essentially about enabling Canada’s domestic economy across the country to thrive. Here’s how the Supreme Court of Canada got it so wrong.
MIT’s experiment with a serial killing AI called Norman, based on Psycho’s Norman Bates, underscores the importance of ensuring we get it right when embedding AI with culture. MIT

What if MIT’s Norman and Amazon’s Alexa hooked up?

Artificial Intelligence is set to explode and, as a result, multiple versions of AI are bound to co-exist. It’s time to influence its development into a truly pan-global cultural environment.