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Articles on Accountability

Displaying 81 - 100 of 120 articles

Effective leadership requires leading by example, but Australia’s human rights record has drawn increasing criticism at home and abroad. Andrew Hill/flickr

Ten things Australia can do to be a human rights hero

On Human Rights Day, and with Australia set to take up a seat on the UN Human Rights Council, here’s a must-do list for this country to become a credible advocate for human rights.
APRA’s independent inquiry panel member, John Laker, who is also chairman of the Banking Finance Oath initiative, will be one of the ones holding the CBA to account. DAN HIMBRECHTS/AAP

Where the accountability problems started at CBA

One scandal at the CBA stands out above all others, It set the scene for how the CBA board would handle future scandals, that is to obfuscate, prevaricate and litigate.
Land rezoning, sales, and planning approvals are just a few of the ways ‘grey gifts’ can decide who benefits from government decisions. Dean Lewins/AAP

Speaking with: Cameron Murray on grey corruption and the ‘Game of Mates’

William Isdale speaks with The University of Queensland's Cameron Murray about the nature of 'grey gifts', soft corruption, and who stands to win (and lose) when these deals are made.
CEO of CPA Australia, Alex Malley, has come under fire for the amount he’s paid in light of public scrutiny. Alex Porritt/AAP

CPA in crisis: why more associations will have to disclose CEO pay

The amplified public concerns about executive pay that led to the cementing of reporting and disclosure into law, may start trend of voluntary disclosure among professional bodies.
Brian Molefe’s return as CEO at South Africa’s power utility, Eskom, has caused controversy. Alon Skuy/The Times

Eskom CEO saga highlights massive systems failure in South Africa

The drama caused by the return of Brain Molefe into South Africa’s power utility, Eskom, signals a failure of accountability and corporate governance within the public sector.
Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney has questioned whether Meals on Wheels gets ‘results.’ Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

What the Trump team should consider before axing Meals on Wheels funds

Trump’s budget director singled out Meals on Wheels as a waste of federal dollars. But identifying bad ways to spend taxpayer money is harder than it sounds.
A protest against President Joseph Kabila. The poster reads: “Kabila must leave without any conditions”. Reuters/Francois Lenoir

Africa faces a new threat to democracy: the ‘constitutional coup’

Attempts to deepen democracy in Africa by limiting presidential terms to two have not entirely quashed a culture of entitlement to rule. Glimpses of it persist, much against citizens’ wishes.
Outgoing UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s successor faces the challenge of making the organisation more accountable. UN

What can be done to stop the United Nations abusing its immunity

The ‘functional immunity’ granted to UN officials made good sense when the body was founded after World War II. But as its organisational functions have expanded, so has this immunity.

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