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Articles on African National Congress (ANC)

Displaying 441 - 457 of 457 articles

Journalists Thami Mazwai, left, and Jon Qwelane before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s special hearing on the media. They accused the white-owned press of colluding with apartheid. Reuters

Media feel pressure as divisions widen on the role of journalists in South Africa

South Africa seems more divided than ever on the media, as the governing ANC revives plans for a dreaded tribunal many fear would muzzle the press.
The Economic Freedom Fighters’ entry into parliament is the most dramatic example of political realignment in South Africa. Reuters/Skyler Reid

Why South Africa is primed for fundamental political realignment

The Marikana massacre of 2012 triggered strikes across South Africa and political realignment. But could this, and the formation of the United Front to rival the ANC, have long-term significance?
Run down. Reuters/Philimon Bulawayo

Decline and decay: a sobering trip through southern Africa

I spent most of August 2015 in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia – a depressing and mournful tour indeed. The place I stayed in South Africa, on the outskirts of Johannesburg, is atypical. I am almost…
In a track called Bring it Back Home, Hugh Masekela bemoans the tendency by politicians, who after ascending to power, discard the people who helped them get there. Andrea De Silva/Reuters

South African musicians in the eye of party political storm

Concert organisers began to compete for government contracts. Often these contracts came with conditions as to who, among musicians, was desirable at government events.
The more than two million houses built by the state and transferred to the residents as freehold property, many with solar energy, are the most visible of the Freedom Charter’s achievements. Reuters

The legacy of South Africa’s Freedom Charter 60 years later

The Freedom Charter, adopted at a meeting in Soweto on June 25-26 1955, triggered a paradigm shift in thinking about the democratic rights of black South Africans and their protection under the law.
Icon and reality: Nelson and Winnie Mandela as seen on screen. Production Companies Videovision Entertainment Distant Horizon Origin Pictures (in association with) Pathé

Long Walk humanises Mandela, but do we lose sight of the man who was Madiba?

The timing could not have been more poignant: as South African president Jacob Zuma announced to the world that Nelson Mandela, the father of his nation, had breathed his last, Mandela’s daughters, Zenani…
Making history: Mandela addressing the United Nations in 1990, shortly after being released from prison. UN Photo/P Sudhakaran

Is there life for South African democracy after Mandela?

As the figurehead of South Africa’s struggle for freedom, Nelson Mandela inspired generations of political activists around the world. He is, quite possibly, the most revered politician in world history…
President Jacob Zuma’s party remains the dominant force in South Africa despite a number of political and social changes. EPA/Kim Ludbrook

South Africa: what does the future hold for the ‘rainbow nation’?

As part of my work for the University of Sydney and the Australian government, I’ve visited South Africa seven times since retiring from politics in 2006. Each time something new has happened, and what…

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