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Articles on African National Congress (ANC)

Displaying 401 - 420 of 457 articles

Residents of Zandspruit, a shanty town north-west of Johannesburg, during a violent protest against the removal of illegal electricity connections. EPAKevin Sutherland

What rising protests in South Africa say about attitudes towards local government

The brouhaha over South Africa’s upcoming high-stakes municipal elections hides critically important questions about the continued relevance of local government amid growing public disaffection.
During his 1966 visit to South Africa, US Senator Robert F Kennedy met with ANC leader Chief Albert Luthuli. Shoreline Productions

The time ‘the other Kennedy’ visited apartheid South Africa

Fifty years ago US Senator Robert F Kennedy visited South Africa. A new documentary about RFK’s visit puts the spotlight on an important part of the country’s history.
Julius Malema, leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), greets supporters at the launch of the party’s local election manifesto in Soweto. EPA/Cornell Tukiri

Why Julius Malema’s EFF doesn’t offer South Africans a way out of poverty

Understandable anger about the excessive inequality in South Africa lies at the heart of the rise of the radical Economic Freedom Fighters. The problem is how the party wants to address these issues.
South African President Jacob Zuma, flanked by ANC Secretary-General Gwede Mantashe (left) and Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

South Africa’s politicians will have to adjust to many more coalitions

A key question ahead of local government elections in South Africa is whether the African National Congress will retain control of seven of the country’s eight metropolitan municipalities.
Women support Jacob Zuma outside court during his 2006 rape trial. Women are often complicit in sustaining patriarchy. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

Trump and Zuma: worlds apart but bound by patriarchy and sexism

Seemingly poles apart, Donald Trump and Jacob Zuma have something in common: they are both prominent patriarchs with populist support. And they both count women among their staunch supporters.
A woman cheers during Freedom Day celebrations in South Africa. Reuters/Mujahid Safodien

South Africans take stock as the country celebrates Freedom Day

South Africa’s transition to democracy was based on the values of inclusive politics, reconciliation, human rights and constitutionalism. Twenty-two years on, how has the country fared?
Heads of state at an African Union session in Addis Ababa. They have signed up to a plan that envisages strengthening institutions and governance. EPA/Solan Kolli

Why Zuma’s ‘African way’ is at odds with the African Union’s vision

If the governing ANC ignores the calls for Zuma’s resignation,it may undermine South Africa’s leadership on the continent. It creates the idea that he can undermine the constitution with impunity.
Gwede Mantashe, general secretary of South Africa’s governing party the African National Congress, holds the key to Jacob Zuma’s future. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

Dramatic night in South Africa leaves president hanging on by a thread

For the time being at least, South African President Jacob Zuma is not ready to relinquish power. But perhaps sooner rather than later he may have to face the inevitable.
Most ‘taxes’ in South Africa fall outside of the control and oversight of parliament. Reuters/Schalk van Zuydam

How South Africans fork out billions in ‘taxes’ collected by stealth

South Africans spend billions of rands paying for services that should be provided by government, thus making the tax burden considerably higher than what appears in official tax data.

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