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Articles on Big data

Displaying 261 - 280 of 312 articles

What good is all this data if we can’t figure out how to analyze it? Elif Ayiter

Topology looks for the patterns inside big data

Collect all the data you want, but if you can’t figure out what you’re looking at, it’s useless. Topologists look for spatial relationships to figure out what the data can tell us.
Governments produce enormous amounts of data. The open data movement wants to make that available to all citizens. r2hox/Flickr

Good governance and active citizenship require open data

The open data movement is gaining momentum but we need to reflect on our priorities and values in order to make further progress.
It’s personal: why shouldn’t consumers reclaim the rich data trail they create? Image sourced from

Why it’s time for companies to give us back our data

The competition review could help shed light on whether Australian companies are willing to share the data they hold on us as consumers.
Mountains of data are being collected on you, and much of it is beyond your grasp. kris krüg/Flickr

Beyond metadata: the brave new world of big data retention

Metadata is only the beginning. The Big Data trend means there’s a lot more information about us out there that can be tracked or monitored.
Tons of social media there for the taking… but is it truly representative of real life? Jürgen Pfeffer

Studying society via social media is not so simple

Behavioral scientists have seized on social media and their massive data sets as a way to quickly and cheaply figure out what people are thinking and doing. But some of those tweets and thumbs ups can…
What if whether you got a job was determined by which web browser you used? Shutterstock

Big data could be a big problem for workplace discrimination law

Staff recruitment and retention are an ongoing challenge for employers. Proponents of big data in the workplace are now claiming they can change that. We’re entering a new age of predictive selection that…
Taste of success. nan palmero

Why LinkedIn’s university rankings matter

It’s that time of year when undergraduates who want to continue their studies are busily looking around for advice on which masters degree to apply for and school leavers are pondering their university…
Old fashioned scandals meet new-fangled complexity. Andy Dean Photography

Will all the ethical social scientists please stand up?

Social scientists have to get better at recognising and responding to ethical problems. Although economists, political scientists and psychologists have not been responsible for the same level of abuses…
Big Data also has an eye on the game. intelfreepress

Big data’s arrival in sport is changing the rules of the game

In sport we don’t just want to know who won. We now want to know how to replicate success and then improve on it. And to do this, we’re using data – and lots of it. The field of “big data” analytics has…
Don’t look a big data gift horse in the mouth. Horse graphic by Yganko/Shutterstock

Is big data heading for its ‘horsemeat moment’?

There have been so many leaks, hacks and scares based on misuse or misappropriation of personal data that any thought that “big data” could provide benefits rather than only opportunities for harm may…
Consumers are faced with myriad choices when they come to buy a car. Shutterstock

Small, not big data key to working out what consumers want

Corporations everywhere are hoovering up petabytes of data in a bid to understand and predict consumer preferences. But what if they’re missing the point, and should instead focus on “small data”? In a…
You can shine light on a dog, but it’s still a dog. cabancreative/Flickr

Most ‘big data’ marketing is a waste of time, and here’s why

A passer-by happens upon a drunk searching for a lost wallet under a streetlight. With nothing in plain sight, the passer-by asks “Where did you drop your wallet?”. “Over there,” gestures the drunk across…
How can big data help us to better understand the cinema habits of movie-lovers around the world? Kenneth Lu/Flickr

Big Data at the movies: the Kinomatics project

The backlash against “big data” studies is well underway. And no more so than in the area of humanities and creative arts research. If I had a dollar for every person who has told me over the past year…

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