Face recognition technology follows earlier biometric surveillance techniques, including fingerprints, passport photos and iris scans. It’s the first that can be done without the subject’s knowledge.
With caregivers’ faces covered, infants and young children will miss out on all the visual cues they’d normally get during stages of rapid developmental growth.
Thinking of SARS-CoV-2 as an invisible enemy with an evil personality and humanlike motivations is a natural offshoot of the way people evolved to anthropomorphize so as not to overlook threats.
Problems in facial development can occur with the skull, face, blood vessels, muscles, jaws and teeth. But it’s the hard palate forming the roof of your mouth that’s most commonly affected.
Computers are getting better at identifying people’s faces, and while that can be helpful as well as worrisome. To properly understand the legal and privacy ramifications, we need to know how facial recognition technology works.
Research into how humans choose a mate is often guided by evolutionary theory: because people’s choice of mate is assumed to have consequences for reproductive success, it must therefore be subject to…
Your face plays an important role in the experience and expression of emotion. Yet despite the complexity of the human face, which has 43 muscles in all, most of existing facial expression research focuses…