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Articles on Gaza

Displaying 361 - 380 of 428 articles

Israeli fire on Palestinian protesters at the Gaza border on Monday resulted in at least 58 deaths. Mohammed Saber/EPA

US can no longer be counted on to end Israel-Palestinian conflict

With its opening of a new embassy in Jerusalem and defence of Israeli actions in Gaza, the Trump administration has signalled its lack of interest in bringing lasting peace to the region.
A Palestinian boy burns tires during Land Day protests in the West Bank city of Ramallah on March 30, 2018. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)

Palestinian Land Day: A universal reminder of what was stolen

Like the colonization of Indigenous lands in North America and the squeezing of Indigenous peoples into “reserves,” the colonization and appropriation of Palestinian land is unrelenting.
An Israeli soldier walks next to an Iron Dome rocket defense battery near the southern city of Sderot, Israel, in 2015. (AP Photo/Tsafrir Abayov)

As missiles fly, a look at Israel’s Iron Dome interceptor

Iron Dome rocket interceptors achieved international fame during Israel’s 2012 and 2014 Gaza conflicts. Research suggests the systems provided substantial protection in 2014, but not two years earlier.
Protesters pray in front of their tents during a demonstration along the Gaza Strip border with Israel, March 30, 2018. AP/Adel Hana

Gaza’s nonviolent protesters exploited by Hamas, but feared by Israel

The violence that led to the deaths of 18 Palestinians last week in Gaza dominated the headlines. But that’s not the real story from that day: The nonviolence of thousands of other demonstrators is.
Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Diggers of the Gaza graveyard

We are used to thinking of Gaza as a war-torn stretch of ground. A place where life goes grimly on in the face of an intractable conflict. A graveyard not only for civilians caught in the crossfire, but…
By bringing together Arab political parties in the Joint List, Ayman Odeh has emerged as leader of the third-largest party in Israel. EPA/Atef Safadi

Arab parties emerge as electoral force in the Jewish state

The emergence of the Joint List as the third-largest party is evidence of both Israeli democracy and a growing awareness among the nation’s Arab citizens of their power to influence its direction.

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