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Articles on Insurance

Displaying 101 - 120 of 157 articles

Water from Addicks Reservoir flows into Houston neighborhoods following hurricane Harvey in August. Allstate expects US$593 million in insurance losses for August due to the hurricane. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip, File)

The stormy outlook for insurance-linked securities

Insurance-linked securities aim to shield insurers and governments from huge costs following disasters. But they bear eerie similarities to the securities that caused the 2008 financial meltdown.
Relatively few homes hit by Harvey have flood insurance. Reuters/Carlo Allegri

How flood insurance works: 6 questions answered

The federal government created a program in 1968 to insure homes in the US from flooding, yet few of the houses hammered by Harvey’s record rainfall were covered.
Low-cost housing development on the city outskirts can expose owners to higher costs in the long run. Paul Miller/AAP

Affordable housing is not just about the purchase price

People are taking on larger future risks and costs just so they can buy a house. Increases in new home owners are seen as a positive development, but what if they can’t afford the ongoing costs?
Many Australians will not benefit from the Financial Services Council’s new life insurance code, Gail Pearson says.

New life insurance code riddled with loopholes

The Financial Services Council code of conduct for life insurance is the industry’s last chance to reform before the government steps in.
Hurricane Wilma in 2005 was the last major storm to rock Florida – and its insurance market. Carlos Barria/Reuters

When catastrophe strikes, who foots the bill?

Even though Hurricane Matthew has been downgraded to category 3, it’s expected to cause substantial damage to Florida and other states in the region. The question is, who pays.

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