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Articles on Insurance

Displaying 121 - 140 of 157 articles

Health Insurers should be offering insurance that covers primary care, Paolucci argues.

Business Briefing: treat the cause not the symptoms of problems with private health insurance

Business Briefing: treat the cause not the symptoms of problems with private health insurance The Conversation10.5 MB (download)
If customers are questioning the value of private health insurance its because of the way the system is distorted by government incentives.
It’s stormy conditions in share markets and a competitive sector, not natural disasters, that will define the outlook for the insurance sector. KARIN CALVERT/AAP

Insurance outlook: in an era of increasing competition technology will make the difference

The outlook for the insurance sector will depend less on natural disasters and more on how the big insurers respond to smaller competitors and the use of technology in assessing policies.
Around 20% of Australians are not insured against disasters, and even a quarter of those who do may be under-covered. AAP Image/Jason Webster

Properties under fire: why so many Australians are inadequately insured against disaster

As the fire season returns, insurance claims against disasters will only increase. But new research suggests that under-insurance is a major problem facing many Australian households.
Alice Springs has been prone to severe flooding. NT Police/AAP

Will the Territory Insurance Office sale push up premiums?

The announcement yesterday by the Northern Territory government that it is selling the Territory Insurance Office’s insurance assets to Allianz Australia for A$236 million has many worried their premiums…
In the lead-up to the London G20 summit in 2009, many businesses were boarded up, and some removed company logos from their premises. Scott Burnham/Flickr

When the G20 rolls into Brisbane, what are businesses insured for?

When the G20/G8 summits moved on from Toronto in 2010, they left an US$11 million bill in business compensation claims. To minimise the effect of preparations on businesses preparing for next month’s G20…
A carrier’s liability for damage, loss or delay of baggage is governed by a number of overarching international treaties. Adam Fagen

What to claim for lost, delayed or damaged bags on overseas flights

If you get on a plane and your baggage ends up being delayed, damaged or lost, who’s responsible: you or the airline? And what rules apply when you’re flying between different countries – even if you don’t…

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