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Articles on Lying

Displaying 61 - 64 of 64 articles

You can’t tell if someone’s lying by listening to their voice and councils should know that by now. Florian Seroussi

Sounding like a liar doesn’t make you a benefits cheat

Councils are facing questions about their use of lie detectors in attempts to catch benefits cheats over the phone. The idea is to listen out for subtle changes in the voice that might indicate that someone…
Is there a link between our cooperative nature and our love of lying? jinterwas

The evolution of lying

Ultimately, our ability to convincingly lie to each other may have evolved as a direct result of our cooperative nature. Thus concludes the abstract of a new paper in the journal Proceedings of the Royal…
Society as we know it may depend on lies more than we realise. ireland :)

Truth is, everyone lies all the time

Recent research in residential aged care by Anthony Tuckett from the University of Queensland has illustrated that, in some instances, lying is not only necessary, it’s actually virtuous. It is a complex…

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