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Articles on Summer

Displaying 81 - 100 of 163 articles

Six-year-old Makai'ryn Terrio, centre, cools off with his brothers as they play in water fountains in Montréal. The city had its hottest August on record. The Canadian Press/Graham Hughes

What climate change means for southern Ontario and Québec

Southern Québec is warming twice as rapidly as the rest of the world due to the progressive loss of snow cover. An average annual warming of 3 C to 6 C is expected by the end of the century.
Summer schools need to address the emotional and academic needs of children. CandyRetriever/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Bringing joy back to the classroom and supporting stressed kids – what summer school looks like in 2021

This year summer schools will have to figure out how to tend to the emotional and academic needs of students coming out of remote learning.

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