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Articles on Weight gain

Displaying 41 - 60 of 76 articles

Attempts to restructure our “obesogenic” food environment for health are often criticized - as restricting personal choice and freedom. (Shutterstock)

Is the food industry conspiring to make you fat?

Bombarded with unhealthy offerings by the food industry, we blame and shame ourselves for gaining weight. But is it really our fault, or are we being “entrapped?”
The type of sugar in popular soft drinks varies from country to country even if the brand name is the same. from

We know too much sugar is bad for us, but do different sugars have different health effects?

A recent study found Australian soft drinks had higher concentrations of glucose than US soft drinks, which had more fructose. Does this mean Australian drinks are worse for health than US drinks?
Metabolism can change after weight loss. Women measuring waist image via

Why so many people regain weight after dieting

Weight loss often leads to declines in our resting metabolic rate – how many calories we burn at rest – which makes it hard to keep the weight off. So why does weight loss make resting metabolism go down?
Why is persistent weight loss and weight maintenance so difficult? AAP Image/Tracey Nearmy

Why we regain weight after drastic dieting

One would imagine the body would generally be supportive of weight loss. If so, why is persistent weight loss and weight maintenance so difficult?
Walking briskly for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week is a good start. etorres/Shutterstock

We can avoid weight creep – here’s how

Many of us enter a new year reflecting on where we have been and our plans for the future. For some, this will mean acknowledging that a couple more kilos have crept on over the past year.

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