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Artículos sobre Books

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 872 artículos

Reading is a pleasure. And watching someone else read, too. Paul Bence / Flickr

Why do we find someone reading sexy?

Reading is “sexy”. Maybe it’s because watching someone read exerts a fascination on the beholder, be it St. Ambrose or Marilyn Monroe.
Indianapolis debuted a bus rapid transit system with 60-foot articulated electric buses in 2019. Momoneymoproblemz/Wikipedia

Why the humble city bus is the key to improving US public transit

High-quality bus service is the fastest route to rapid, comprehensive public transit in the United States. This country was once a leader in bus transit, and with adequate funding, it could be again.
Pam Longobardi amid a giant heap of fishing gear that she and volunteers from the Hawaii Wildlife Fund collected in 2008. David Rothstein

My art uses plastic recovered from beaches around the world to understand how our consumer society is transforming the ocean

Pam Longobardi collects and documents ocean plastic waste and transforms it into public art and photography. Her work makes statements about consumption, globalism and conservation.

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