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Artículos sobre Cardiovascular disease

Mostrando 161 - 180 de 184 artículos

One in four Australians take fish oil but the latest evidence shows it won’t improve the health of your heart. Flickr/wine me up

Monday’s medical myth: fish oil is good for heart health

Did you hold your nose and take your daily dose of fish oil this morning? Or perhaps you opted for an odour-free capsule? Well, you’re not alone. Around one in four Australians take fish oil supplements…
Cardiovascular disease accounts for more than 40% of all female deaths. Nina Matthews

Ladykiller: the hidden danger to women’s health

Cardiovascular disease is the biggest killer of women in Australia. It accounts for more than 40% of all female deaths, which means it kills more Australian women than breast cancer and lung cancer combined…
Energy drinks are largely marketed to youths and young adults. hectore/Flickr

Energy drinks: a trigger for heart attacks and stroke?

When a 17-year-old girl, with a potentially life-threatening heart disorder, recently presented to me with an abnormally fast and irregular heart rhythm, I wondered how the natural history of her disease…
Approximately 53,000 people are affected by stroke each year, at the cost of $1.3 billion. Axel Bührmann

Getting to the heart of the matter on stroke

A silent killer is stalking many families across Australia, taking victims with little notice while driving a black-hole in the country’s health budget. But a simple pulse check may be enough to detect…
The value of medical research extends beyond pure economics. Flickr/left hand

How does medical research deliver value for money?

The Federal Government’s main medical research funding body, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), last week announced its 2011 program and development grants, and postgraduate scholarship…

Call for stroke treatment review

Doctors are under-utilising crucial medication to prevent deadly strokes in those with a common type of heart condition…
The cocoa in chocolate may be good for your health but the sugar and fat in it are counter productive. Peter Pearson

Treat or treatment? Chocolate is good but cocoa is better for your heart

A systematic review and meta-analysis of previous cohort studies on the effects of chocolate consumption has found that chocolate may be linked to a reduction in the risk of developing heart disease. The…
The new ‘epidermal’ electronic systems conform to the surface of the skin and may provide a range of healthcare and non-healthcare related functions. John A. Rogers

Game-changing’ printed tattoos may replace hefty medical monitors

Scientists have invented new stick-on ‘tattoos’ that track human heart, brain wave and muscle activity and could one day replace cumbersome medical monitors. Known as an epidermal electronic system (EES…
The epidermal electronic system can measure your vital signs in a completely unobtrusive way. John A. Rogers

Tattoo you: the stick-on medical revolution

When you think of tattoos you probably imagine bikies, celebrity tats or that Japanese flourish on your left foot that means “Honour” (or so you think). You probably don’t picture medical revolution…
Bariatric surgery has a dramatic effect on diabetes and other heart disease risk factors. Bariatric Solutions/

Bariatric surgery: new paradigm in type 2 diabetes management?

Type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing epidemic worldwide. By 2020, it is expected to be the number one disease in Australia in men and second only to breast cancer in women. Treating this illness has…
Those who smoke within 30 minutes of waking are 1.79 times as likely to develop lung cancer than smokers who light up more than an hour after waking. Flickr/lanier67

Smoking soon after waking boosts cancer risk

Smokers who light up within 30 minutes of waking up are 1.79 times as likely to develop lung cancer as those who have their first cigarette at least an hour after waking up, a study has found. It’s no…
Heart attacks damage important muscles but now scientists think that a special protein can awaken the stem cells that grow new muscles. Flickr

Fixing a broken heart with stem cells

Vital heart muscles damaged during cardio arrest can be replaced by stem cells within the organ with the help of a special protein, scientists have discovered. Heart attacks cause dangerous damage to muscle…

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