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Artículos sobre Coral bleaching

Mostrando 61 - 80 de 123 artículos

A coral reef in Chagos, British Indian Ocean Territory, experiencing catastrophic bleaching in 2015. Anderson B. Mayfield

Are reef corals stressed or just pessimistic?

A coral biologist sampled corals from the most remote reaches of the Indo-Pacific and discovered that all of them show signs of stress.
Ingredients in many sunscreens are bleaching coral and harming marine life.

Making a cleaner, greener, environmentally safe sunscreen

Scientists have discovered a natural sunscreen – made by microbes – that may be better for humans and the marine critters they are hoping to see.
Staghorn and tabular corals suffered mass die-offs, robbing many individual reefs of their characteristic shapes. ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies/ Mia Hoogenboom

How the 2016 bleaching altered the shape of the northern Great Barrier Reef

The 2016 bleaching event resulted in 30% mortality on the Great Barrier Reef, with many corals dying of the heat before they bleached and the loss of branching corals creating less complex reef structure.
The increasingly bleached coral at Black Point on the Cobourg Peninsula is a worrying sign of what’s to come for other coral reefs in Australia. Alan Withers

New coral bleaching outbreak in NT a worrying sign of our warming oceans

Coral bleaching has struck the Northern Territory, adding urgency to the need for better national management strategies for our warming oceans.
Corals near Lizard Island on the northern Great Barrier Reef experienced some of the worst bleaching in 2016. XL Catlin Seaview Survey/AAP Photo

It’s official: 2016’s Great Barrier Reef bleaching was unlike anything that went before

The 2016 bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef was the worst on record. Now a new analysis points the finger squarely at human-induced warming, and warns that the entire reef’s future is at stake.
How the Great Barrier Reef can be helped to help repair the damaged reef. AIMS/Neal Cantin

The Great Barrier Reef can repair itself, with a little help from science

Corals on the Great Barrier Reef that are tolerant to warmer waters can be used to help repair other parts of the reef damaged by recent coral bleaching events.

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