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Artículos sobre David Bowie

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 43 artículos

Visitors take in Cameron Robbins’ Field Lines at Dark Mofo at the Museum of Old and New Art. Mona/Remi Chauvin

2016, the year that was: Arts and Culture

Many great artists died in 2016: Bowie, Prince, Leonard Cohen, Paul Cox, Shirley Hazzard. It was a year of creative foment and as always, intense debate about the importance of the arts to a thriving, democratic society.
The music video for Justin Bieber’s Sorry is one of the contenders at Sunday’s MTV Music Video Awards. Justin Bieber Vevo/Youtube

Friday essay: From Bowie to Bieber – the under-appreciated art of the music video

The MTV music video awards will be held on Sunday, putting this under-rated genre in the spotlight. Videos are inseparable from music in the digital age and the best examples deserve to be taken seriously as works of art.
Beyonce’s baseball bat wielding spree in Lemonade, left, bears more than a passing resemblance to the work of Swiss video artist Pipilotti Rist. Left, still from Lemonade (2016), right, still from Ever is Over All (1997)

Friday essay: the quest for legacy – how pop music is embracing high art

From Beyoncé and Lady Gaga to Kanye and even Rihanna, pop royalty is crazy for high art. Is this a phenomenon worth celebrating or are pop stars mining the art world to gain credibility?
EPA/Maurizio Gambarini

Space Cadet to Major Tom

David Bowie was not God, although for kids like me in the early 1970s he was the closest we ever came to believing in one. Neither was he perfect. For a long time there, back in the 1980s, just about everything…
David Bowie produced some of his most innovative work while living in divided Berlin. EPA/Nils Meilvang

David Bowie in the divided city of Berlin

Bowie’s life has been under the microscope since he burst on the scene in 1969 with the smash hit, Space Oddity. We examine how the divided city of Berlin saved this extraordinary artist at his lowest ebb.

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