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Artículos sobre Holidays

Mostrando 141 - 160 de 208 artículos

Mexicans representing indigenous soldiers and the French army, re-enact the battle of Puebla during Cinco de Mayo celebrations in Mexico City. AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo

Americans might love Cinco de Mayo, but few know what they’re celebrating

The holiday honors a 19th-century battle between the French and the Mexican armies that, strangely enough, may have influenced the outcome of the US Civil War.
A man dressed as Saint Patrick blesses the crowd in Dublin as the parade makes its way through the Irish capital in 1998. AP Photo/John Cogill

The truth about St. Patrick’s Day

The Irish continue to express gratitude for St. Patrick’s unselfish commitment to their spiritual well-being, even as the rest of the world celebrates by drowning in booze.
More and more Americans are choosing to be single. mimagephotography/

Single doesn’t mean being lonely or alone

Singles can face mistaken stereotypes and value judgments that they are less happy, or lonelier. For many, being single is simply a relationship preference or even an orientation.
The practise of ‘mindful eating’ can help you maximize the pleasure from rich holiday foods, without eating too much. (Shutterstock)

10 ways to indulge and stay healthy this holiday season

From going out dancing to choosing smaller plates, two nutrition researchers offer some tips for reaping the fun of the holidays without destroying your health.
Research shows that a parent’s level of generosity and charitable behaviour is linked with their child’s display of the same behaviours. (Shutterstock)

5 ways to infuse your family with the spirit of generosity this Christmas

Children start developing empathy and compassion as toddlers and should have a good understanding of generosity by age nine. Parents can help foster these behaviours.
The Blackfeet always faced their tipis towards the rising sun, including on winter solstice. Beinecke Library via Wikimedia Commons

What winter solstice rituals tell us about indigenous people

For indigenous peoples, winter solstice has been a time to honor their ancient sun deity. Their rituals reveal a deep understanding of the natural world.
During the holiday season, we are faced with social commitments that sometimes means spending time with people who grate on our nerves. Make sure to also spend time with people who help to refuel you. (Unsplash)

How to survive annoying relatives this holiday season

All of us have allergies to people whose seemingly inconsequential behaviour repulses us. Here’s how to deal with it this holiday season.

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