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Artículos sobre Indigenous health

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 217 artículos

Regular exercise reduces the risk of obesity and a number of chronic diseases. Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Sport can be an important part of Aboriginal culture for women – but many barriers remain

Just one in four Indigenous women play sport or are physically active, with many citing racism, cost and gendered expectations as barriers.
Walpiri Transient Camp, Katherine: Western medicine can’t be expected to work for disadvantaged Indigenous Australians unless housing and social disadvantage are also addressed.

How a rethink of emergency care is closing the gap, one person at a time

A safe home, a working fridge and access to transport are all needed before western medicine has a chance of working in the long term. But a new way of providing care can help.
Rates of resistance to the bacteria commonly known as golden staph are at least double in remote Indigenous communities what they are in Australia’s major cities. Lucy Hughes Jones/AAP

Antibiotic resistance is an even greater challenge in remote Indigenous communities

Antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest health challenges of the modern day. It’s especially prevalent, and must be acted on, in Australia’s remote Indigenous communities.
Coming together with Elders and other community members helped survivors feel connected. It also gave them hope.

‘My mob is telling their story and it makes me feel good’: here’s what Aboriginal survivors of child sexual abuse told us they need

Many Aboriginal survivors of sexual abuse find mainstream counselling inappropriate. But there is a way to help them heal that respects a collective culture, with strong community ties.
Mental illness is more common among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders than in the non-Indigenous population. From

‘Have you been feeling your spirit was sad?’ Culture is key when assessing Indigenous Australians’ mental health

A culturally specific screening tool for depression has been successfully tested among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. This is why it’s so important we start rolling it out.
Researchers are testing an equity-based model in emergency departments, mental health agencies and hospital units. (Shutterstock)

Equity in health care improves people’s health

When care is equity-oriented, patients report fewer depression and trauma symptoms, less chronic pain and improved quality of life.
Australia sees higher rates of disability in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population than the non-Indigenous population. From

Why Aboriginal voices need to be front and centre in the disability Royal Commission

The experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians must be at the forefront of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.
Australia’s first Aboriginal Brain Injury Coordinator, Rebecca Clinch, with brain injury survivor Justin Kickett. Edith Cowan University

Aboriginal Australians want care after brain injury. But it must consider their cultural needs

The absence of Indigenous Australians in rehabilitation services has created the belief they don’t want therapy. The reality is they want services which better meet their cultural needs.
Being separated from their children affects the mental well-being of Aboriginal mothers in prison. ChrisMilesProductions/Shutterstock

Aboriginal mothers are incarcerated at alarming rates – and their mental and physical health suffers

Aboriginal mothers in prison feel intergenerational trauma and the forced removal of their children are the most significant factors impacting their health and well-being.
Detail from a poster designed by the Indigenous creative agency Iscariot Media, which highlights the problem of cyberbullying. Author provided

We need to do more about cyberbullying against Indigenous Australians

Online abuse has been in the spotlight during this election campaign and AFL season. But researchers and policy-makers alike need to do more to understand cyberbullying against Indigenous Australians.
The antibiotics commonly used to treat school sores, a skin infection affecting thousands of Aboriginal kids, are out of stock. Terry Trewin/AAP

Antibiotic shortages are putting Aboriginal kids at risk

Almost half of Aboriginal kids living remotely will have a school sore at any one time. But there aren’t enough of the right antibiotics to treat them.
Over the past five years, one in every four children who died by suicide in Australia was Indigenous. Shutterstock

Why are we losing so many Indigenous children to suicide?

Poverty and social exclusion play a big role in Indigenous child suicide. The causes are complex but we know enough to act now to reduce the number of deaths in our communities.

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