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Artículos sobre Pain relief

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 45 artículos

Leave your medicines in their box when you go abroad, and check if you need a doctor’s letter. from

The medicines to pack for your overseas holiday

Before travelling, plan ahead in case you need to pack medicines for sleep, diarrhoea, malaria, pain or anxiety.
Pain lets us know when there is something wrong, but sometimes our brains can trick us. Mai Lam/The Conversation NY-BD-CC

Trust Me I’m An Expert: The science of pain

Trust Me I’m An Expert: The science of pain The Conversation58,7 MB (download)
Our podcast Trust Me, I'm An Expert, goes beyond the headlines and asks researchers to explain the evidence on issues making news. Today, we're talking pain and what science says about managing it.
There are real consequences to ignoring children’s pain in hospital. These include increased sensitivity to pain, abnormal social behaviours when older and higher levels of anxiety before a future procedure. (Shutterstock)

Seven ways to soothe your child’s pain in the hospital

From broken limbs to blood tests, hospital visits can cause unnecessary pain for children. An emergency care pediatrician offers seven easy strategies for parents to lessen this pain.
Doctors with special training in acupuncture and practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine worked together in emergency departments. from

Emergency doctors are using acupuncture to treat pain, now here’s the evidence

Some emergency doctors are already using acupuncture to relieve patients’ pain. Now a new study shows when it works, when it doesn’t and how emergency departments of the future might use it.
An epidural takes up to 45 minutes to work, so if the baby’s coming it could be too late. from

Explainer: what is an epidural for labour?

Epidurals were developed for pregnant women to address the severe pain of labour. In Australia approximately one in three pregnant women in labour has an epidural for pain relief.
Choose your over-the-counter painkiller based on the side effects you want to avoid. Image from

Health Check: how do you choose over-the-counter painkillers?

If you’re anything like me, your medicine cupboard is chockers with various non-prescription pain remedies: liquids, pills, capsules, children’s painkillers, formulations that are “gentle on the stomach…
Ouch. istolethetv

Explainer: why don’t some people feel pain?

For many years physicians and scientists have been studying people with congenital analgesia, a rare genetic disorder that means they don’t feel pain. People with the condition may have a sense of touch…
One in five Australians suffer from chronic pain, which is notoriously difficult to treat. Image from

Centipede venom could lead to new class of pain drug

A protein found in centipede venom could be developed into a drug to treat chronic pain that is as effective as morphine but without the side effects, researchers say. The joint Australian-Chinese study…

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