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Artículos sobre Red tape

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 24 artículos

Volunteers can help reduce costs, but most nonprofit social service groups rely heavily on government funding. Brittany Murray/MediaNews Group/Long Beach Press-Telegram via Getty Images

Getting services to people in need often relies on partnerships between government and nonprofits, but reporting requirements can be too onerous

By relying heavily on privately run organizations to deliver social services, the government employs fewer people, reducing the size of its bureaucracy. But these partnerships can flounder.
Do the holes in the banner carried by these Vietnam veterans during an Anzac Day parade in Canberra make any difference? AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Do wind vent holes in banners make a difference? We used a wind tunnel to find out

Attend any ANZAC Day parade and you might see people carrying banners with holes cut in them. They’re supposed to cut any drag or wind resistance but do they do any good?
State health departments should continuously monitor the hospital activity data it collects for red flags. Tyler Olson/Shutterstock

How can we save lives in hospitals? Start by looking for and investigating red flags

Seven babies died unnecessarily at Bacchus Marsh hospital between 2013 and 2014. The My Hospitals website and other reporting mechanisms gave no sign of any problems.
The rationale for cutting advisory bodies has been reducing red tape - but the loss can often be a valuable counter-opinion. Image sourced from

Dumping of markets advisory board is another independent voice lost

The decommissioning of the Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee mans the government loses an independent source of advice - at a time they arguably need it.
Australia’s gas market is entering a time of change: increasing supply, such as coal seam gas, can provide certainty. Ben Jenkins/Flickr

Coal seam gas can provide certainty in a time of market chaos

Australia’s “looming gas shortage” - the basis for calls to deregulate coal seam gas - may not be real after all. But gas prices are still set to rise, and that’s an area where coal seam gas could help.
Josh Frydenberg, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, wants policymakers to see regulation in a new light. Alan Porritt/AAP

Metadata and jobseeker plans contradict red tape target

The Australian government’s target of A$1 billion of red-tape savings for the year is now in sight ($700 million up to March 2014 and a claimed $300 million from the carbon tax repeal plus Future of Financial…
Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Senator Michaelia Cash has kicked off a review of 457 visas, but the Australian Workforce Productivity Agency won’t be playing a role. Stefan Postles/AAP

Skilled migration strategy falls victim to red tape busters

Although few working Australians would be familiar with the work of the Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency, all of us depend on it to some degree. In a shortsighted move, the government has decided…
Cardinal George Pell reportedly led Catholic Church lobbying of the government to abolish the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission. AAP/Dean Lewins

Charitable treatment by regulator belies church complaints

The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) was created by the former federal Labor government and began operation in December 2012. It is so new that some charities are yet to be required…
Repeal Day: liberating business, or pure politics? Alan Porritt/AAP

Repeal day an exercise in deregulation smoke and mirrors

Repeal day – a political stunt copied from David Cameron’s government in the UK – will go ahead in Australia this Wednesday. The very fact the government plans to repeal some 10,000 regulations suggests…

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