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Artículos sobre Saudi Arabia

Mostrando 181 - 200 de 313 artículos

EPA/Youssef Badawi

Syria: who’s involved, and what do they want?

The Syrian conflict is a war of many sides. Here’s a rundown of the key players.
Canada’s minister of international development, Marie-Claude Bibeau, launches Canada’s new Feminist International Assistance Policy during an event in Ottawa in June 2017. Canada is set to announce a feminist foreign policy soon. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

The uneasy co-existence of arms exports and feminist foreign policy

Sweden has enacted what’s known as a feminist foreign policy, and Canada plans on doing the same. One fly in the ointment is both countries’ arms sales and how they’re at odds with feminism.
The controversial $12-billion sale of light armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia has embroiled Justin Trudeau’s government in controversy. The vehicle in question is shown here at a news conference at a General Dynamics facility in London, Ont., in 2012. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Mark Spowart

Canada’s checkered history of arms sales to human rights violators

Canada used to be more careful about selling arms to countries that practised human rights violations. What happened?
Yemeni women take part in a sit-in and a protest against the ongoing conflict in the Arab country, outside the UN offices in Sana'a, Yemen, 16 March 2017. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB

How Yemeni women are fighting the war

Many Yemeni women are not victims of war or just escaping or hiding. In many and contrasting ways they are actively supporting it, and not only on humanitarian grounds.
Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (centre) is at the centre of the changes in the Saudi royal family’s approach to governing. Stringer/Reuters

Princes, power and purges: the Saudi royal family consolidates its rule

The latest arrests of princes, ministers and military officials in Saudi Arabia might be in the name of anti-corruption but it also serves to bolster the Saudi royal family’s power.

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