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Artículos sobre Sputnik

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Potential conflicts in space over resources can be prevented by a commitment to peaceful collaboration. (Shutterstock)

Space exploration should aim for peace, collaboration and co-operation, not war and competition

As the space race is resumed, and expanded to include private corporations, it is more important than ever to lay the groundwork for peaceful collaboration.
Thousands of the satellites orbiting Earth are small – like this cubical satellite seen here being released from the International Space Station. NASA

How many satellites are orbiting Earth?

In the past decade, the number of satellites in orbit has skyrocketed thanks to tiny electronics and cheap launches. The crowded night sky is posing problems for astronomers and astronauts.
A man reacts as he gets a shot of the one-dose Sputnik Light vaccine at a mobile vaccination station in St. Petersburg, Russia. (AP Photo/Elena Ignatyeva)

Making sense of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Russia: Lessons from the past and present

Coverage of Russian vaccination rollout has focused largely on concerns about ethics of development and inconsistent messaging. But Russian-language research complicates this picture.
A photo taken from the International Space Station in 2014 shows the Soyuz TMA-15M spacecraft on the left and the unpiloted ISS Progress 57 cargo craft. Six years later, private players have joined the space race. Picryl

Major changes coming over the horizon for the global space industry

Over the coming decade, the arrival of constellations of small satellites will reshape the space industry. It constitutes a paradigm shift, particularly in terms of data gathering and processing.
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg signs Montréal’s Golden Book during a ceremony in Montréal in September 2019, less than a month before the federal election. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

Thunberg and Obama: Did they interfere in the Canadian election?

Both climate activist Greta Thunberg and former U.S. president Barack Obama made their presences known during the Canadian election. Was it interference?
International forces advancing toward Boxer soldiers outside the Imperial Palace in Beijing, China, during the Boxer Rebellion. Library of Congress

3 times political conflict reshaped American mathematics

When is math not just math? Political conflicts have led to new study-abroad initiatives, the creation of a world-class university, the migration of mathematicians and serious educational reforms.
A Falcon 9 SpaceX heavy rocket lifts off from pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., Feb. 6, 2018. AP Photo/ John Raoux

A decade of commercial space travel – what’s next?

It has been 10 years since Elon Musk’s SpaceX launched the commercial space age. What hurdles must be overcome before private companies begin exploring, colonizing and mining other planets?

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