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Artículos sobre Training

Mostrando 61 - 77 de 77 artículos

Study finds quality trumps quantity when it comes to muscle strength. EPA/

Why bigger isn’t always better in the world of muscle building

New research shows bodybuilders’ muscle quality is lower than that of people who don’t train at all - but size is still a pretty good guide to strength.
Does training relentlessly and regularly lead to greatness? "Nine" via

To excel in youth sports, kids need couch time

Parents want to simultaneously support and push their kids. But when it comes to sports, this mentality can backfire in subtle ways.
Private training organisations have been mired in controversy over sub-standard courses and unscrupulous methods to attract students. Here’s how they’re failing the system. Shutterstock

Privatisation of vocational education isn’t working

Recent weeks have seen various horror stories of the workings of dodgy private providers of vocational education and training, including the latest: a recall of certificates due to concerns of sub-par standards in these institutions.
Jamaica’s Yohan Blake – a dual silver Olympic medallist – injured himself in the lead-up to the Glasgow Games. Martin Rickett/PA Wire

Strained from over-training? Sensors can help prevent injury

As the 2014 Commonwealth Games began in Glasgow last week, a number of potential medal winners could only watch the events unfold as they were sidelined by injuries incurred at training. Aussie track star…
It’s hard graft, but pros love it when a plan comes together. Guillaume Horcajuelo/EPA

What’s in a plan? Training for the Tour de France

To reach the start line of the Tour de France – currently underway – is an incredible feat in itself for any professional cyclist. It is the culmination of years of dedicated training and competition…
The Federal Government has fast-tracked applications by skilled US workers to fill trades gaps in Australia, citing the close relationship between the countries. But motives of employers pushing the scheme should examined critically. AAP

US workers get the nod … but what does this mean for the local workforce?

The Federal Government recently announced that it would use the 457 visa skilled migration program to fast-track the number of skilled workers applying from the United States. In defending this move, Federal…
When jobs are disappearing, why are we training more journalists? flickr

Can journalism graduates get jobs?

It usually begins mid-way through their university career. My office begins to fill with panicked journalism students who have seen the dismal job vacancies in their field and are starting to think their…

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