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Artículos sobre Water

Mostrando 381 - 400 de 654 artículos

With water storages running low, residents of Cape Town get drinking water in the early morning from a mountain spring collection point. Nic Bothma/EPA

Cape Town is almost out of water. Could Australian cities suffer the same fate?

The situation in Perth in particular has some parallels to that of Cape Town, but Australian cities responded to the last big drought by investing in much bigger water supply and storage capacity.
Despite billions spent on trying to save water in the Murray Darling Basin, results have been disappointing. John Williams

The Murray Darling Basin Plan is not delivering – there’s no more time to waste

A dozen leading researchers have issued an urgent call to action for the Murray-Darling Basin, arguing that the billions spent on water-efficient irrigation have done little for the rivers’ health.
Six major dams make up 99.6% of the volume of water in Cape Town’s water supply. Shutterstock

Cape Town’s water crisis: driven by politics more than drought

The water crisis in South Africa’s Cape Town teaches us there’s more at play than just rainfall. Disasters like droughts means the issue must be seen from many different perspectives, like politics.
Some homes in Cape Town are now harvesting rainwater from their roofs. Flickr/Inhabitat

How the world needs to change as regions get drier

Water is increasingly becoming scarce as the climate changes. There are four changes that cities can make to adapt to water scarcity.
The Thomson Dam, Melbourne’s largest water storage, dropped to only 16% of capacity in the last big drought. Melbourne Water/flickr

This is what Australia’s growing cities need to do to avoid running dry

Australian cities have turned to some very costly solutions when water is scarce. But as the world’s second-highest users of water per person, more efficient use and recycling are key.
In Cape Town, slowing down residential water use is hugely important, residents consume 65%. EPA/Kim Ludbrook

How Cape Town can win support for the next round of water cuts

It’s important for the city of Cape Town to inspire residential trust in water restrictions. Without this, the harsh effects of the drought will be exacerbated.

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