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Articles sur Climate change

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Floods during warm periods of human history likely inspired the Noah’s Ark myth. Noah's ark image from

Climate and the rise and fall of civilizations: a lesson from the past

2015 will likely be a degree warmer than before people started pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The last time the world was this hot wasn’t great for civilisation.
The first ever ‘red alert’ day in Beijing: reducing air pollution is one of the primary reasons for government action on climate change. Reuters

Why China and the US have found common purpose on climate change

The US-China relationship is crucial to any global deal on climate change. How strong is their common commitment to working on climate change, and can it last?
Flights are just one of the ways tourism contributes to climate change. Contrail image from

Guilt-free tourism: would you pay $11 for a carbon-neutral holiday?

Tourism is a significant contributor to climate change. But new research suggests that, if we all pitched in, we could decarbonise this global industry for less than the price of an extra checked bag.
Robinson: ‘Climate change is a threat multiplier.’ James Akena/Reuters

Mary Robinson: climate change ‘very likely’ to increase radicalisation

UN special envoy and former Irish president Mary Robinson talks to leading experts about the 2015 Paris climate negotiations.
Volcanoes produce large amounts of a gas that interacts with air to produce sulfate aerosols, which act as tiny mirrors in the atmosphere to reflect sunlight – and heat. NASA

Can solar geoengineering be part of responsible climate policy?

Blocking the sun by injecting tiny particles in the atmosphere – called solar geoengineering – can lower the Earth’s temperature but has some real costs. Economists run the numbers.
In the aftermath of 2012’s deadly Hurricane Sandy, New York launched a US$20 billion plan to defend the city against future storms as well as rising sea levels. David Shankbone/Flickr

Sea level rise is real – which is why we need to retreat from unrealistic advice

Managing the impacts of rising seas for some communities is being made more difficult by the actions of governments, homeowners – and even some well-intentioned climate adaptation experts.
Brian Snyder/Reuters

Who feels the heat first?

At yesterday’s COP21 science briefing, University of Reading climate scientist Ed Hawkins displayed a chilling (pun intended) colour-coded world map. Nation by nation, it showed which countries are already…

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