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Articles on Food

Displaying 801 - 820 of 835 articles

If we tend to the local food industry, we could reap the harvest. donkeycart/Flickr

Let’s reap the economic benefits of local food over big farming

While Australia’s national food and agriculture debate centres on boosting production and increasing exports, our local food industry is being neglected. That’s a shame because countries such as the United…
Give me five of these any day. Nancy D. Regan

Explainer: what is nutrigenomics?

“Eat your five-a-day” is a health slogan that has been kicking around since the 1980s. The UK government made it an official campaign in 2003. But understanding the exact benefits (and harms) that our…
In 2008, Chinese baby formula and milk products were tainted with melamine, killing six babies and hospitalising many more. EPA/Wu Hong

SPC Ardmona’s bailout is crucial given China’s food safety record

SPC Ardmona’s $22 million lifeline from the Victorian government seems to have saved Australia’s largest food packaging company. Yet the firm’s recent tribulations are a reminder of why I regularly choose…
We need more, but more of what? Perhaps not this. David Giles/PA

How to feed nine billion people, and feed them well

Resource-intensive agriculture, despite its productivity, nevertheless has failed to feed the world’s current population, never mind the nine billion people expected by 2050. This system that currently…
Being tired is linked to eating unhealthy foods that may cause weight gain. Shuttershock

Does a bad night’s sleep make you likely to overeat?

Few people would argue with the idea that sleep is good for us, but not many of us know that a lack of sleep can cause weight gain. The health benefits of sleep are extremely well-documented. It provides…
Prawns sold in Australian supermarkets must be labelled with the country of origin. About half of the prawns we buy are from overseas. Flickr: avlxyz

Slip a more sustainable prawn on your barbie this Christmas

Australians are set to munch through half a billion prawns this Christmas. But where do all those prawns come from? And can we feel good as we throw another one on the barbie? About half of the prawns…
Our food environment could influence the type of food we buy. Hopkinsii/flickr

The ACT’s food environment plan is good – here’s why

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) government has introduced a Healthy Weight Action Plan aimed at curbing the number of obese people in the territory. As its name suggests, the plan seeks to create…
People should not be hungry with the food, resources, and technology at our disposal. PA

Staying alive shouldn’t depend on your purchasing power

How much would you pay for staying alive? How much would you pay for breathing pure air? That may seem a silly question since air is everywhere, accessible to all. Air is a global public good, part of…
Many people worry that eating before exercise will cause indigestion. Flickr/escaped.monkey

Food for fitness: is it better to eat before or after exercise?

There’s a lot of confusion surrounding food intake and exercise – is it better to eat beforehand or afterwards? And what type of exercise benefits most from eating? Eating before exercising is important…
Gastric reflux is brought on by spicy and acidic food and drink, alcohol and overeating. Image from

Explainer: what is gastric reflux?

If you’re prone to gastric reflux, you’ll probably be watching closely what you eat and drink during the pre-Christmas party season. You’re certainly not alone; modern, heavy eating habits and a rise in…
Vomiting since 500-470 BC. Stefano Bolognini

Why it’s safer to eat shellfish in months with a letter ‘R’

As I was growing up, any time my mother suggested buying mussels or cockles for dinner, my gran would pipe up with the old adage that “you should only be eating shellfish when there’s an ‘R’ in the month…
Restaurant blogging is not simply an exercise in consumerism gone wild. missmeng

Changing tastes: why foodies are the new food critics

Smartphones at the table. Food blogs. Photographs of perfect meals posted online before anyone has taken a bite. Amateur restaurant reviews. Many people don’t just want to cook good food and eat it. They…
Fructose is associated with US obesity rise but Europe allows health claims. Macz_out

EU Fructose ruling means dodgy health claims are easier to make

An EU decision to allow health claims to be made about fructose has angered obesity experts who blame the fruit sugar for rising obesity levels in the US. The decision allows food and drink manufacturers…
A couple of these and a nice chianti. Severin Tchibozo

Insects are key for food security in a growing world

Protein is a shrinking part of the diets of humans and animals. The deficiency is spreading rapidly across the world, but is particularly pronounced in Africa, even though many sources of protein can be…

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