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Artikel-artikel mengenai Canada

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A composite image showing the distribution of dark matter, galaxies and hot gas in a merging galaxy cluster taken with NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope in Hawaii. NASA

Canada’s grand plan to explore the mysteries of the cosmos

The Canadian Long Range Plan 2020 for astronomy and astrophysics builds on Canadian research’s previous success to extend Canada’s role.
Apologies without clear policy shift are typically rejected as ‘empty gestures.’ Here, more than 100 Indigenous people march on Parliament Hill in 1981 to protest the elimination of Aboriginal rights in the proposed Canadian Constitution. The Canadian Press/Carl Bigras

The road to reconciliation starts with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

It’s the 12th anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Canada has yet to implement this declaration even though the TRC says the road to reconciliation needs to start here.
A nuclear arms race could have devastating effects, and working towards nuclear disarmament is becoming more urgent. Shutterstock

Canada could slow the accelerating nuclear arms race

The recent nuclear explosions in Russia serve as a reminder of the threat that nuclear weapons pose. Canada is uniquely situated to work toward the elimination of nuclear weapons globally.
Raccoons, foxes, skunks and bats are all hosts of specific rabies virus variants. Humans can be infected by them all. (Shutterstock)

Rabies: How it spreads and how to protect yourself

Rabies is almost always fatal once the symptoms appear. It is also completely preventable, so long as you know how to protect yourself.
Perot become a household name after making an independent run for president in 1992. AP Photo/Doug Mills

The ‘giant sucking sound’ of NAFTA: Ross Perot was ridiculed as alarmist in 1992 but his warning turned out to be prescient

As the US prepares to replace NAFTA, a labor scholar who was critical of Perot but shared concerns about the deal revisits the claim that helped him become the most successful third-party candidate since Teddy Roosevelt.
One Reconciliation Pole and two Welcome Figures were unveiled during a ceremony in honour of truth and reconciliation on National Indigenous Peoples Day in Vancouver on June 21, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chad Hipolito

This Canada Day, we need a new citizenship oath

This Canada Day might be a good time for Canadians to think about the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action that ask Canadians to reject European sovereignty over Indigenous lands and peoples.
Displaced Yemeni girls, who fled their home because of fighting at the port city of Hodeida, are seen in a school allocated for IDPs in Sanaa, Yemen. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)

Canada must step up to help millions displaced inside their own countries

Building on our track record of support for refugee resettlement, Canada should stand up for those uprooted within their own countries and unable to reach our shores.
Radiation therapy for ringworm. (Museum of Saint Louis Hospital, Paris, in Gérard Tilles, 'Ringworms and the Ringworm Children at the Hôpital Saint-Louis-From Medical Neglect to Bio-Social Obsession')

A generation of Canadian children was given radiation treatment and never warned of the cancer risks

Many Canadians underwent radiation treatment for benign illnesses in the 1940s and 1950s. There has been no systematic investigation or education campaign to alert those patients to their increased risks of thyroid cancer today.
The media and politicians with a vested interest pit provinces against each other. But a study shows there are lots of differences of opinion within provinces, and geography doesn’t matter much. Here Quebec residents protest against the government’s Bill 21, which bans religious headgear, in April 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

Canada: Is it really a country divided?

Despite decades of bickering and hand-wringing, Canada continues on. National tensions, in and of themselves, are not leading us to poor policy outcomes.
It is currently legal for Canadians to travel abroad and obtain organs from illicit sources. If it gains final approval from the Senate, Bill S-240 will change this. (Shutterstock)

Canada must end complicity in China’s brutal organ trafficking regime

When a Canadian travels to China to receive an organ transplant, a member of a persecuted minority may be killed to provide the organ.

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