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Artikel-artikel mengenai Ethics

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United States Sen. Elizabeth Warren questions Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf, foreground, during congressional hearings into allegations that bank employees opened millions of unauthorized accounts to meet aggressive sales targets. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Memo to Gordon Gekko: Ethics, not greed, boost profits

Unethical corporate behaviour isn’t just embarrassing from a PR standpoint, it can also be unprofitable for firms and their investors.
Jeff Bezos (right), now the world’s second-richest person, is charting a different course for his philanthropy than Bill Gates (left), the richest, and Warren Buffett (center), who has fallen to third place. Reuters/Jim Tanner

What Jeff Bezos gets wrong (and right) with his populist philanthropy

Amazon’s founder turned to Twitter to crowdsource ideas for his charitable giving. This populist approach and his preference for short-term results set Jeff Bezos apart from other mega-donors.
A subject plays a computer game as part of a neural security experiment at the University of Washington. Patrick Bennett

Helping or hacking? Engineers and ethicists must work together on brain-computer interface technology

BCI devices that read minds and act on intentions can change lives for the better. But they could also be put to nefarious use in the not-too-distant future. Now’s the time to think about risks.
Leaked information is the life blood of investigative journalists. But there are a few golden rules they should follow when reporting on it. Shutterstock

Ethical journalism: what to do - and not to do - with leaked emails

When given leaked information journalists should check the information, consider alternative explanations, consider the political context and allow the people implicated a proper chance to respond.
Not all hackers can be bad for an organisation: the white hat or ethical hacker can help. Shutterstock/napocska

An ethical hacker can help you beat a malicious one

Simply updating and patching an organisation’s computer software may not be enough to fend off another cyber attack. You could engage an ethical hacker to help out.
One of Hermann Nitsch’s previous works, the Orgies Mysteries Theatre in Italy, 2015. AAP/Antonio Melita

Dark Mofo’s slaughtered bull and the ethics of using animals in art

There is a history of mistreatment of animals in the name of art. But isn’t it about time artists made their point about human domination without themselves asserting dominance over beasts?
Research shows that regular ethics training helps. O'Riordan Images

What’s the point of an ethics course?

Ethical dilemmas arise not because someone did not know the ethical rules. Instead, they arise when individuals are unable to identify the relevant ethical principle at the time of crisis.

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