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Artikel-artikel mengenai Food and nutrition

Menampilkan 41 - 60 dari 222 artikel

The researchers looked at cancer occurrence in those exposed to higher intakes of ultra-processed foods, compared to lower intakes. Shutterstock

Research Check: will eating ‘ultra-processed’ foods give you cancer?

The study showed that every 10% increase in consumption of ultra-processed food was linked to a 12% increase in developing some types of cancers. But it didn’t show the processed food caused cancers.
Iron deficiency causes weakness, fatigue, poor concentration, headaches, and intolerance to exercise. Toa Heftiba

I’ve been diagnosed with iron deficiency, now what?

The first step is to take an iron supplement to give your iron stores an immediate boost, then you want to investigate the cause and possibly work on your diet.
It makes a tasty dressing, but the health claims are overblown. Madeleine Steinbach/Shutterstock

Is apple cider vinegar really a wonder food?

Folk medicine has favoured apple cider vinegar for centuries and many claims are made for its supposed benefits. But what does the science say?
A can of regular soft drink contains 39 grams of total sugar, which is about 9 1/3 teaspoons of sugar and more than the recommended daily healthy limit for adults. Flickr / Shardayyy and WHO

Sugar tax is not nanny state, it’s sound public policy

Since Mexico introduced a 10% “tax” on sugar-sweetened beverages in 2014, global political momentum for this form of fiscal policy has been building. Societal interest and support have also grown. Taking…
Swap the bacon for something a little healthier. Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

If you love me, don’t feed me bacon

It is easy to fall into the trap of giving people you love lots of ultra-processed, high kilojoule, nutrient-poor foods because they like them. But immediate pleasure comes at a cost.
A bucket of chips contains around 275mg of sodium, which accounts for 16% of an adult’s daily limit. Darkkong/Shutterstock

Health Check: how much salt is OK to eat?

Around 60% of Australians over the age of two years exceeded the recommended daily maximum intake of salt.

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