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Artikel-artikel mengenai Iron

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Iron carries oxygen throughout the body, but ironically, it can also make it harder to breathe for people with asthma. Hiroshi Watanabe/Stone via Getty Images

Iron fuels immune cells – and it could make asthma worse

Asthma attacks can result from immune cells overreacting to a harmless allergen. Tamping down iron levels in certain immune cells can help control their activity.
A large robot, loaded with sensors and cameras, designed to explore the ocean twilight zone. Marine Imaging Technologies, LLC © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Scientists envision an ‘internet of the ocean,’ with sensors and autonomous vehicles that can explore the deep sea and monitor its vital signs

The ocean twilight zone could store vast amounts of carbon captured from the atmosphere, but first we need a 4D monitoring system to ensure ramping up carbon storage does no harm.
Scientists have been studying lunar samples brought back from Apollo missions to understand the geologic history of the Moon. NASA

Moon lacked a magnetic field for nearly all its history – new research resolves mystery sparked by rocks brought back on Apollo

Without a magnetic field, the Moon’s surface is exposed to solar wind. These could have been depositing resources like water and potential rocket fuel on the Moon’s surface for billions of years.
Iron deficiency causes weakness, fatigue, poor concentration, headaches, and intolerance to exercise. Toa Heftiba

I’ve been diagnosed with iron deficiency, now what?

The first step is to take an iron supplement to give your iron stores an immediate boost, then you want to investigate the cause and possibly work on your diet.
Furious winds keep the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Anarctica free of snow and ice. Calcites found in the valleys have revealed the secrets of ancient subglacial volcanoes. Stuart Rankin/Flickr

Volcanoes under the ice: melting Antarctic ice could fight climate change

Melting ice from Antartica could feed vast plankton blooms, trapping carbon in the ocean. To understand this complex mechanism, researchers looked at volcanoes deep under glaciers.

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