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Artikel-artikel mengenai Math education

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Research shows that at least 17% of the population experiences high levels of math anxiety. Emilija Manevska/Moment via Getty Images

Why putting off college math can be a good idea

College students can benefit from not taking math courses in their freshman year, new research shows.
Working to understand and appreciate differences between western and Chinese approaches to education could contribute to the cross-cultural understanding we need to address global crises. (Shutterstock)

How Canadian and Chinese teachers’ reciprocal learning can benefit students

Teachers in Ontario elementary schools can learn from how teachers in China approach collaboration as subject area specialists, while Chinese teachers can learn about developing the whole child.
Math scores plummeted during the COVID-19 pandemic. What will it take to raise them back up? Ridofranz / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Declines in math readiness underscore the urgency of math awareness

Nearly four decades after President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the first National Math Awareness Week, math readiness and enrollment in college math programs continue to decline.
Classmates in grades 3, 4 and 5 are more likely to come from diverse economic backgrounds than their schoolmates in grades 6, 7 and 8. Paul Bersebach, MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images

Students are often segregated within the same schools, not just by being sent to different ones

In middle school classes, students from lower-income families tended to be concentrated in just a few classrooms, new research from North Carolina has found.
Whatever costume you wear, put on your ‘sorting hat’ after trick-or-treating to help children lay the foundation for higher-level mathematics. (Shutterstock)

5 ways sorting Halloween candy can help children develop mathematics skills

Early exposure to everyday math at home predicts children’s school mathematics outcomes.
If we each get to choose four colourful candies, my four includes three orange and one blue. Yours? (Shutterstock)

4 moves to make math visible with kids, using counters

Math educators share four ways parents can use counters, like candies or lego pieces, to lead ‘number talks’ that help kids develop an understanding of how numbers are related.
The myth of Asians being good at math both encourages a “blame-the-victim” approach to math failure and imposes significant psycho-social pressure on high-achieving students. (Chuttersnap/Unsplash)

Racist stereotyping of Asians as good at math masks inequities and harms students

A Vancouver study found Mandarin-speaking girls were more likely to be eligible for university than Cantonese-speaking boys. High-achieving students were from wealthier families who had tutors.
There are many daily ways math can be relevant to children – from using money to matching or counting cards. (Shutterstock)

Math challenges? A school psychologist could help

Children’s perspectives on math develop at a very young age and have longstanding effects, so it matters that families and teachers promote positive engagement with math skills.
Why don’t students say math is imaginative? Here, the White Rabbit character originally from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, written under mathematician Charles Lutwidge Dodgson’s pen name, Lewis Carroll. (Shutterstock)

Mathematics is about wonder, creativity and fun, so let’s teach it that way

Mathematician Peter Taylor taught high school math to prepare to develop a new ‘RabbitMath’ curriculum that emphasizes collaborative creativity and learning to work with complex systems.

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