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Artikel-artikel mengenai News Corporation

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Australia’s Future Fund, chaired by former Treasurer Peter Costello, is not immune to the tax schemes corporations love. Alan Porritt/AAP

Stopping corporate tax avoidance in a house of smoke and mirrors

There are many and increasing ways for corporations to minimise tax legally. Solving the problem will take more, not less firepower from the ATO.
News Corporation Chairman Rupert Murdoch has been given plenty of opportunities to air his agenda ahead of the G20 summit. Jason Reed/Reuters Pool/AAP

Murdoch discovers inequality, but he’s not on ‘Team Australia’

Rupert Murdoch’s special address to an exclusive meeting of the world’s most powerful finance ministers got a second airing this week. In a breathless front-page “exclusive” in The Australian, Paul Kelly…
Winter is coming…for Time Warner. Jason Szenes/EPA/AAP

News Corp, Time Warner and the veneer of media diversity

At age 83 Australian-born tycoon Rupert Murdoch is as restless as ever. He is anxious to add the behemoth Time Warner, owner of everything from HBO to Cartoon Network to Superman, to his already bulging…
Rupert Murdoch’s bid for Time Warner has been rebuffed for now. AAP/Jason Reed

Time Warner would bolster News Corp – but internet giants lurk

While Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation US$80 billion takeover bid for fellow US media giant Time Warner has been rejected - for now - there is no doubt the future ownership of this historic company is…
New tablet devices are emerging in classrooms, but will they change the traditional learning process? Jose Picardo

News Corp targets US classrooms with low cost tablet device

News Corporation’s Amplify education business has launched a US$299 tablet device in the US, taking on Apple in the education technology market. To purchase the tablet at the lowest cost price, schools…
After launching with fanfare less than two years ago, News Corporation’s iPad newspaper, The Daily, will close after failing to attract a large enough audience. AAP

The Daily didn’t work, but it’s not the end for news on tablets

The Daily was launched in February 2011 to great fanfare. It was the first iPad only newspaper (although it did have a web mirror but that was just for sharing). It had a simple price, $1 per week, and…
Rupert Murdoch wields enormous influence, but is subject to little accountability. AAP

For News shareholders, it’s Rupert’s way or the highway

Rupert Murdoch recently told owners of 62% of the equity in News Corporation that they had no business in corporate decision-making. The company employees in excess of 50,000 people and has revenues of…
Rupert Murdoch says News Corp has improved governance since the News of the World scandal that led to the arrest of former News International head Rebecca Brooks. AAP

Murdoch, Scott defend governance in media

News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch has survived a push by shareholders to have him removed as chairman, arguing the media giant has seized on the serious wrongdoing that occurred at some of its publications…
Newspapers are finally embracing the digital future: but what do the journalists really think of this? Image from

Digital future or race to the bottom? What journalists really think

As major newspapers in Australia prepare to move to digital-first models, the old idea of a journalistic “priesthood” imparting wisdom to many is shifting. Our recently released survey, Journalism at the…
News Corporation will split its publishing assets from its entertainment arm - with the exception of its Australian operations. AAP

News Corporation is breaking itself up. Why?

News Corporation is breaking up. The process will take about 12 months and is subject to shareholder approval. The de-merger will separate News Corporation’s publishing assets from its media and entertainment…

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