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Artikel-artikel mengenai Nigeria

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Children play alongside stagnant water and rubbish in Lagos, Nigeria. George Esiri/Reuters

Africa’s health won’t improve without reliable data and collaboration

Africa battles with a dearth of data and seems unable to scale up health innovations. If these can be systematically addressed, the continent can take great strides towards better health for all.
Participants in the Finote Hiwot project to end child, early and forced marriage in Ethiopia. Department for International Development/Jessica Lea

How decent data can help African girls overcome second class status

A number of African states are taking positive steps to combat violence against girls and child marriage. But social and cultural barriers can nullify national laws and strategies.
The charred interior of the Gabon’s parliament after it was burned in post-election protests in Libreville. Edward McAllister/Reuters

African citizens have very low levels of trust in how elections are run

National electoral commissions are crucial in shaping public perceptions of how well democracy is working. Poor electoral management can enable fraud and produce political alienation.
The threat of chemical weapon attacks is on the rise globally. Reuters/Ueslei Marcelino

Assessing the risk from Africa as Libya loses its chemical weapons

Governments often have limited knowledge of chemical production as it is the preserve of the private sector. Often these facilities are not as well secured as government facilities.
A woman in northern Ethiopia feeds her chickens. Bill Gates has estimated that a farmer breeding five hens could generate up to $1,000 a year. Flickr/Jeannie O'Brien

If Africa learnt to feed its chickens it could feed its people

The factors limiting poultry production are similar to those affecting the rest of the agricultural systems.

The do’s and don'ts of doing business in Nigeria

A decision by South African hotel and casino group, Sun International to pull out of Nigeria raises many questions about the conditions of doing business in the second largest economy in Africa.
A boy in Pakistan receives oral polio vaccine in July. REUTERS/Akhtar Soomro

Polio eradication effort challenged, but not derailed

Polio for years has been close to becoming eradicated, with the entire continent of Africa going two years without a reported case – until early August. Here’s why eradication is hard but attainable.

Anthill 4: Fuel

The fourth episode of our podcast takes on fuel – from Olympic diets to conflict over oil in the Niger Delta.

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