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Artikel-artikel mengenai Primary school

Menampilkan 121 - 138 dari 138 artikel

What’s the optimum size? Primary school via Air Images/Shutterstock

Is it really worth investing in smaller primary school classes?

Ed Miliband’s pledge that Labour, if elected, would limit school classes for five, six and seven-year-olds to 30 pupils reignites a core question about how best to spend money to improve education. In…
First day at school? Did you prep for the test? Andrew Milligan/PA Archive

We must scrap new baseline tests for primary school children

From September 2016, within five weeks of starting primary school, all children in England will receive an assessment that will stay on their record. But we have been here before and it didn’t work. The…
In search of better schools. Primary desk via luminaimages/Shutterstock

Scrap school admissions policies based on postcode – they entrench inequality

Why are pupils from disadvantaged families more often found studying in poorly performing schools? Is it the choices their parents make, or are they not able to get into better ones? Perhaps families are…
Spell it out. Alphabet soup via Brian Mueller/Shutterstock

Teaching to the T-E-S-T: phonics is working for most children

Teaching children to read with phonics has been a central plank of recent “Govian” education policy. A new set of statistics shows that 74% of children in the first year of primary school now meet the…
Growing up on broccoli. School lunch via Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Hard Evidence: what do primary school children need to eat?

We should be concerned about our children’s diets. In 2011, nearly 10% of four to five-year-olds in the UK were classified as obese. By the time they leave primary school, nearly 20% of children are obese…
If only kids asked for this every day. Healthy lunchbox via Dream79/Shutterstock

Fat is a classroom issue and primary schools must tackle it

A fifth of four- to five-year-old children in England are overweight or obese, rising to one third by age ten to 11 years. This stark increase during the primary school years points to the potential contribution…
London’s schools have started to. David Parry/PA Wire

Why London’s secondary schools have improved so much

London’s secondary schools have seen rapid improvement in the last decade. Inner London moved from being the worst-performing region in England in 2003 to having better school results than any region outside…
The Australian Primary Principals’ Association is worried the primary curriculum is too difficult. AAP

Is education really all about the content?

The Australian Primary Principals Association (APPA) submission to the review of the Australian National Curriculum has stated the primary curriculum is overcrowded and some complex content is unnecessary…
What stops children from wanting to go to school? AAP

Pushed out or pulled out? Why kids don’t want to go to school

Prime minister Tony Abbott has set a new goal of closing the gap for Indigenous school attendance within five years, saying a failure to properly educate children is “one of the worst forms of neglect…
Children are already experimenting. Teachers need the skills to keep up. San Jose Library

Teachers need confidence to teach coding properly

Michael Gove is ploughing ahead with plans to gather an elite team of computer science experts to help bring coding into schools. He has rightly acknowledged that teaching programming in schools is vital…
The latest report into Australian education shows some positives and some negatives. School image from

COAG education reports show early childhood and Year 12 are key

Educational outcomes in Australia are showing signs of improvement, particularly in the early years and in Year 12 attainment, according to the latest reports from the Council of Australian Governments…
Children are getting their (mis)information about some scientific concepts from mass media sources. Genetics image from

‘You catch criminals with DNA’: What kids know (and don’t know) about genetics

“DNA is your blood in you, we can use DNA as evidence if someone’s been stabbed. We can run tests in suspects.” (Girl, 12, central Queensland) “DNA has to do with blood types and fingerprints, it helps…

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