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Artikel-artikel mengenai Syria

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ISIS has been using fantastical propaganda on social media that describes the Islamic State as a land that is full of happiness to recruit supporters.

On social media, ISIS uses fantastical propaganda to recruit members

ISIS may have lost most of their territory, but it’s important to be aware that ISIS can still utilise the Internet and social media to recruit people and to spread their fantastical propaganda.
RAAF warplanes fly over Syria in Australia’s first airstrikes in that country in September 2015. AAP/ADF

War and democracy – who decides?

The wars in Syria and Iraq are products of secretive decision-making by the executive. Their disastrous consequences are evidence of the need for war powers reform.
Two refugee children from Eritrea sit in the back of a police cruiser after crossing the border from New York into Canada in March 2017 near Hemmingford, Que. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz)

Migrants are dying in detention centres: When will Canada act?

Since 2000, at least 16 people have died while incarcerated in Canada’s system of immigration detention, with a shocking four deaths since March 2016. When will the government act?
Clinics in Toronto serving refugees and the uninsured indicate that 20 per cent of all visits are for pregnancy-related issues. (Shutterstock)

Canada’s impending refugee crisis and how midwives can save the day

About 20 per cent of refugees to Canada are pregnant. Many of them are medically uninsured. It’s not only morally correct to provide prenatal care, but also cheaper for Canada’s system to do so.
Syrian refugees wait on August 28, 2017 at the Oncupinar crossing gate, close to the town of Kilis, south central Turkey, as they wait to cross to Syria for the Eid al-Adha Muslim holiday. BULENT KILIC / AFP

Syrian refugees in Turkey: time to dispel some myths

In Turkey, while many have left Syria to find asylum, most refugees are struggling to be socially and economically integrated.
Kim Jong Un guides the test-fire of Pukguksong-2 in an undated photo released on Feb. 13, 2017. Reuters/KCNA

Will North Korea sell its nuclear technology?

Kim Jong Un’s regime has already earned millions from the export of arms, missiles, drugs and endangered wildlife products.
Trump talks tough at the U.N. General Assembly. Reuters/Lucas Jackson

Trump speaks at the UN: 5 takeaways

The president threatened North Korea and decried the decimation of the American middle class – but didn’t have much praise for the work of the United Nations.
Protesters with opposing views face off at a ‘Free Speech’ rally in Boston. AP Photo/Michael Dwyer

Warning signs of mass violence – in the US?

Two genocide and mass atrocity prevention scholars argue Trump’s response to the Charlottesville attack is a red flag.
Spain plays a relatively inconsequential role in the fight against Islamic State. Reuters/Sergio Perez

Striking in al-Ándalus: why Islamic State attacked Spain

The location and targeting of Islamic State’s latest attack, on the Spanish city of Barcelona, deviates from the group’s previous efforts.

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