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Artikel-artikel mengenai Textbooks

Menampilkan 21 - 36 dari 36 artikel

Does Japan’s moral education system leave any room for students to appreciate diversity and think critically? Ajari/flickr

From bakery to wagashiya: a textbook case of ‘moral education’ in Japan

The changes required of a textbook that referred to a bakery – an “inappropriate” form of Japanese culture – illustrate how the system falls short of its goals of deliberative and critical education.
It’s not enough for textbooks just to be present in a classroom. They must support learning. Global Partnership for Education/Flickr

Accessible, engaging textbooks could improve children’s learning

Textbooks in sufficient quantities are effective in improving the quality of education but in Africa language poses a problem to how pupils interact with the material they are taught.
What struggles do black families face over the summer? Mother child image via

What summertime means for black children

Summer is not an idyllic time for all. Two researchers who are black and are parents to two black children describe why they feel the weight of the summer.
Many students don’t consider downloading textbooks to be piracy. Shutterstock

Is it piracy? How students access academic resources

When it comes to accessing online learning materials, university students don’t think much about whether their downloads might amount to piracy or copyright infringement.
Being able to learn science in a number of languages helps children to develop an understanding of concepts - like the robotics used to build this dinosaur. David Mercado/Reuters

Multilingualism boosts learning - and can create new science knowledge too

Using more than one language when teaching and learning science in schools can greatly enhance concept development. This in fact goes to the heart of science.
Children develop based on their interactions with people, books and cultural artefacts. History textbooks could have a great deal to teach them about empathy. From

How history textbooks can be used to build kids’ empathy

Are history textbooks constructing the past in a way that allows learners to develop empathy by walking in many different people’s shoes?
British teenagers visit Auschwitz on a school trip. Chris Radburn/PA Archive/

What countries teach children about the Holocaust varies hugely

As the world pauses to remember the Holocaust, it is important to at what children around the world are learning about the horrific events of 70 years ago and their aftermath. A recent research project…
Mastered numbers? Let’s make it harder. Arenamontanus

Explainer: what is the mastery model of teaching maths?

Ever-envious of Singapore’s much-heralded success in teaching maths, politicians are keen to see its methodology arriving in UK classrooms. Education minister Elizabeth Truss explained some of the background…

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