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Artikel-artikel mengenai Vitamins

Menampilkan 41 - 60 dari 75 artikel

Women (and their partners) can give their baby the best start in life by eating well even before they conceive. from

Five ways to boost your nutrition before pregnancy

Thinking about trying for a baby? Then now is the time for you and your partner to “spring clean” your food and lifestyle habits.
Vitamins are often seen as benign since they’re meant to be natural, but the list of ingredients isn’t always accurate. from

Do you know what’s in the herbal medicine you’re taking?

In many instances complementary medicines have no added benefit when compared to a placebo, or weak evidence of effectiveness.
There are things that come from plants that aren’t in multivitamins. from

Health Check: can vitamins supplement a poor diet?

Recent diet and health surveys show the typical Australian diet is far from what is considered a healthy diet. Can vitamin and mineral supplements come to the rescue?
Vitamin jubes contain quite small doses of vitamins and up to 50% sugar. Ethan Hurd/Flickr

Vitamin supplements for kids: what are we really treating?

Australian parents spend $40 million each year on vitamin supplements for their children. It’s a big number; much smaller is the number of children who actually need them. In 2009, a large American research…
No one really knows whether taking large amounts of vitamins in tablet form is even the best way delivering them to the body. Shannon Kringen/Flickr

Health Check: four myths about vitamin supplements

People take vitamin supplements for all kinds of reasons, from maintaining general health to preventing cancer. But there’s no convincing evidence that vitamin supplementation benefits people who don’t…
Diet and a little bit of sun can give us vitamin D. Julian Colton

Vitamin D needed to fight comeback of childhood rickets

For most people, our standard diet provides all the necessary vitamins we need. However, childhood vitamin D deficiency in the UK – something that should be a headline from the distant past – has made…
Olive oil is associated with some healthy benefits. garryknight

Proof that the Mediterranean diet is good for your brain

As life expectancies across the world steadily increase, the world’s population is inexorably ageing. Too often, with age comes difficult health problems such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. These…
Just eat them, they’re good for you. PA/Ben Birchall

Taking high doses of vitamins can do more harm than good

Without vitamins in our diet we wouldn’t survive but taking too many can be harmful. There’s a limit to how much we actually need. However, since the discovery of vitamins - or “vital amines” as they were…
How can you tell what products might be of use and which ones will only lighten your wallet? Image from

CAM or sham? Let’s get the facts straight on vitamins and supplements

Australia’s complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) industry is worth about A$4 billion annually. Around two thirds of Australians use CAM – which includes therapies such as chiropractic and naturopathy…
There’s no evidence that diet supplements are a panacea for people who have cancer. Steven Depolo

Vitamin pills’ role in recovering from cancer

Dietary supplements are big business, and often people are easily drawn in by marketing claims and anecdotes that vitamin pills may be the answer to all their health concerns. People with cancer tend to…
Up to one in three Australians take vitamin supplements, but few healthy people need them. Brian Gaid

Monday’s medical myth: take a vitamin a day for better health

Forget an apple a day, vitamin manufacturers would have you believe it’s important to take daily vitamins to boost your health. And a surprising proportion of Australians do. Data from the last National…

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