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Swinburne University of Technology

Swinburne is an innovative education institution that provides quality career-oriented education. Our strong technological base and links with industry are complemented by innovative research centres and strong international partnerships. Swinburne has programs for learners at every level, from vocational training through to PhDs, with pathway opportunities that allow students to achieve their personal best education outcome.


Displaying 661 - 680 of 1082 articles

Interactive: profiles of the cabinet and shadow cabinet

We asked our experts to appraise the political and policy performances of the federal cabinet and shadow cabinet.
Koori women Treahna Hamm, Vicki Couzens and Lee Darroch wear ‘Biaganga’, traditional possum coats at the Melbourne Museum’s Aboriginal Cultural Centre in Melbourne. Julian Smith/AAP

How living museums are ‘waking up’ sleeping artefacts

Museums are cracking open the temperature-controlled, dehumidified display cases and inviting people in. Working with Aboriginal communities is reawakening cultural connections and ancient art forms.
The closest white dwarf to Earth just 8.6 light years away as seen by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and it’s not the obvious bright object in the centre (the Dog-Star Sirius) but rather orbiting it at bottom left is a tiny point of light. This is Sirius B, a companion white dwarf with nearly as much mass as our Sun but smaller in size than Earth. NASA, ESA, H. Bond (STScI) and M. Barstow (University of Leicester)

Something new under a (dead) sun

For all their enormous size and furious energies, stars are remarkably simple. Knowing just their mass and the smattering of elements heavier than hydrogen we can predict their lives from cradles to grave…
Sleep problems can also create a loop of mental illness. Alyssa L. Miller/Flickr

Explainer: what’s the link between insomnia and mental illness?

The relationship between insomnia and mental illness is bidirectional: about 50% of adults with insomnia have a mental health problem; up to 90% of adults with depression have sleep problems.
Many claim the Safe Schools program is essential for reducing homophobia and transphobia in school. from

Safe Schools review findings: experts respond

After a three-week debacle, the findings of the review into the Safe Schools Coalition program are out. Here’s what academic experts make of the review.
Stellar science communicator. Red Maxwell/Flickr

Brian Greene yes but string theory no

Saturday 19th March will see me standing on stage at Melbourne Park chatting to one of the most famous figures in physics and string theory, Professor Brian Greene, as part of his Think Inc tour of Australia…
Students in a school run by refugees in Indonesia learn maths, English, art and science.

Refugee-run school in Indonesia a model for governments to emulate

A school set up by asylum seekers and refugees in the West Java town Cisarua, Indonesia, is a community-led initiative that Australian and Indonesian governments should model and support.
The Safe Schools Coalition aims to help students deal with a broad range of sexual identities. Shutterstock

Explainer: what is Safe Schools Coalition?

Safe Schools Coalition has been the focus of hot debate, but there is little evidence to support the anxieties around its mission.

Parts and components trade may well save the economy

Most of us are all too aware that production chains are becoming more globally integrated. More and more businesses and research organisations now contribute smaller slices to larger audiences of consumers…
Massive bodies can send ripples through space time in the form of gravitational waves. NASA

Gravitational waves discovered: top scientists respond

The long awaited discovery of gravitational waves has sent ripples through the scientific world. Here top experts respond to the historic announcement.
In the Netflix series Making a Murderer, Brendan Dassey is subject to interrogation tactics known as the ‘Reid technique’. Netflix

Making a Murderer: why innocent people confess under interrogation

Innocent people do confess under interrogation to crimes they did not commit, even providing details about the crime. What leads them to falsely confess to very serious crimes?


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