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Swinburne University of Technology

Swinburne is an innovative education institution that provides quality career-oriented education. Our strong technological base and links with industry are complemented by innovative research centres and strong international partnerships. Swinburne has programs for learners at every level, from vocational training through to PhDs, with pathway opportunities that allow students to achieve their personal best education outcome.


Displaying 681 - 700 of 1082 articles

Malcolm Turnbull’s ideas boom shouldn’t be confined to big business. Dean Lewins/AAP

The ideas boom – where to from here on?

The Commonwealth Government has quite wisely recognised Australia’s long-term prosperity is unlikely to rely on our traditional areas of excellence. The exporting days for coal are numbered; easy power…
An unlikely group of bounty hunters, bandits, and lawmen take shelter from a merciless blizzard. Roadshow

Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight: review and cast interview

Quentin Tarantino has secured his place in popular culture by reaching into neglected corners of cinema for genres that are ready for reinvention and rediscovery.
What challenges and transformations will disrupting mobility bring to cities? from

Growing challenges are disrupting our old ways of getting around cities

Cities are complex systems. One visible artery of the city is traffic – the cluster of moving people and flowing goods – and that mobility is critical for a city’s life.
NASA’s Juno probe will be the fastest object humanity has ever created when it approaches Jupiter. NASA/JPL-Caltech

Exploring the solar system: the best of what you can look out for in 2016

From the high-speed journey to Jupiter to solar eclipses, meteor showers and planetary alignments visible in the skies above – add these space highlights to your 2016 calendar.
A highlight of 2015 was the number of weird and wonderful exoplanets that were found. NASA/JPL-Caltech

Space in 2015 was out of this world

From a flyby of Pluto to the search for extrasolar planets and gravitational waves, 2015 was a monumental year for space news.
The ubiquitous superhero finally seems to be growing up and moving on. Eneas De Troya

What superheroes looked like in 2015

It was the year of the grown-up superhero. Dark, witty and complex, superheroes on the big and small screen have – mostly – matured past mindless violence.
Today many donor-conceived children are adults and the impacts on their sense of identity have become clear, so Victoria is set to open the records of formerly anonymous donors. Reuters/Kacper Pempel

As Victoria opens sperm donor records, the key question is: do contact vetoes work?

In a world first, Victoria plans to retrospectively open the records of formerly anonymous sperm donors to all donor-conceived people. A system of contact vetoes aims to manage the privacy concerns.
Research must have an impact – but what’s the best way to measure it?

Watt report suggests financial incentives for measuring research impact

A government report on research funding and policy has recommended introducing a funding incentive to ensure university research benefits society and business.
The iPhone is a good example of an entire industry built on the back of publicly funded research outcomes. The ‘iPhone fish’ is designed to teach people healthy eating through portion size control. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

There is no easy way to measure the impact of university research on society

Publicly-funded research should contribute to society in some way. But we need to think carefully about how we create a system that allows us to measure the impact of research.
Without innovation in the agricultural sector, we’d only be able to feed, say, one billion people out of the current seven. ProFlowers/Flickr.

What is innovation anyway, and why should you care about it?

Since becoming prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull has been talking about the importance of innovation. This is what he’s referring to.
Women are the key to encouraging more female academics to seek promotions. Shutterstock/

Here’s how to get more women promoted to top jobs in universities

Men outnumber women almost two-to one in senior academic positions in Australia’s universities. But there is a way that female academics can play a vital role in bridging that gap.


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