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University of Bath

The University of Bath is a leading UK research university, dedicated to making a positive impact to the world we live in.

The superb facilities and practical support available at the University has created an ethos and environment which inspires a culture of innovation and fresh thinking. The University’s researchers engage closely with industry, the public and policy makers to explore challenging projects that examine the questions and inform the solutions that make a difference to society.

The University of Bath offers innovative and demanding degree programmes to the world’s brightest students, giving them the skills they need to succeed in the most competitive work environments. It is located in the UNESCO World Heritage City of Bath, UK. The city was established as a Roman spa town and is famous for its spectacular Georgian architecture. The University has been named the best campus university in Britain.


Displaying 101 - 120 of 980 articles

Shutterstock / johnyf33

Multilingüismo y plurilingüismo en la UE: ¿cómo preparar a los docentes?

Los docentes son quienes pueden transmitir desde la infancia una visión positiva del multilingüismo europeo. Por ello es necesario que conozcan las lenguas que hay y aprendan a valorarlas.
Matteo Messina Denaro, fotografiado en la parte trasera de un coche de policía tras su detención. EPA / Carabinieri Handout

Messina Denaro: Por qué su captura no supone el fin de la mafia siciliana

Matteo Messina Denaro es la última cara conocida del sindicato del crimen Cosa Nostra. Su detención bien podría producir un vacío de poder que sumiera a la Cosa Nostra en una crisis, pero no supone su fin.
Malgré des années de politiques d'austérité salariale et le retour de l'inflation, les mouvements de protestation, comme ici en juin à Sydney, n'ont été que très épisodiques en Australie, en partie du fait de la loi. Saeed Khan / AFP

États-Unis, Royaume-Uni, Espagne… Quelles perspectives pour l’action syndicale dans le monde en 2023 ?

À quelques jours du mouvement des syndicats français contre la réforme des retraites, les experts de The Conversation vous proposent un panorama mondial de la mobilisation sociale.
Worker unrest has been surging around the world. voy ager

Global economy 2023: what happens next with industrial action

With real wages in many countries having been stagnant for years, the inflation surge has brought unions back to life.


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