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University of Bath

The University of Bath is a leading UK research university, dedicated to making a positive impact to the world we live in.

The superb facilities and practical support available at the University has created an ethos and environment which inspires a culture of innovation and fresh thinking. The University’s researchers engage closely with industry, the public and policy makers to explore challenging projects that examine the questions and inform the solutions that make a difference to society.

The University of Bath offers innovative and demanding degree programmes to the world’s brightest students, giving them the skills they need to succeed in the most competitive work environments. It is located in the UNESCO World Heritage City of Bath, UK. The city was established as a Roman spa town and is famous for its spectacular Georgian architecture. The University has been named the best campus university in Britain.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 980 articles

Liane Hentscher/HBO/ BBC/Motive Pictures/Chris Barr/Red Productions / Ben Blackall/Quantrell D. Colbert/Prime Video/Macall Polay/HBO

The seven best TV shows of 2023 reviewed by our experts

These are the shows that had our creative experts glued to the small screen in 2023.
Installations de traitement dans la mine de Tenke Fungurume, l'une des plus grandes mines de cuivre et de cobalt au monde, dans le sud-est de la RDC. Photo : Emmet Livingstone/AFP via Getty Images

Les pays africains ont perdu le contrôle au profit de sociétés minières étrangères : les trois étapes qui ont permis cela

Depuis les années 1990, les sociétés transnationales en tant que propriétaires et gestionnaires de grands projets miniers sont redevenues la force dominante.
UK chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, with his 2023 Autumn Statement. Simon Walker/No 10 Downing Street/Flickr

Autumn statement: experts react to national insurance and business tax cuts

National insurance cuts and business investment were all included, as was the pensions triple lock. But our experts saw some omissions.
Dans le secteur du pétrole et du gaz, des salariés choisissent désormais de démissionner pour trouver un poste plus en phase avec leurs préoccupations environnementales. Shutterstock

Démissionner pour l’environnement : songez-vous aussi au « climate quitting » ?

Impuissants devant l’impact de leur entreprise sur le climat et attirés par les opportunités d’emploi dans les énergies vertes, des salariés du pétrole et du gaz choisissent de démissionner.


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