With over 38,000 students and more than 9,000 employees, the University of Copenhagen is the largest institution of research and education in Denmark. The purpose of the University - to quote the University Statute - is to ‘conduct research and provide further education to the highest academic level’.
The University of Copenhagen is the oldest University in Denmark - founded in 1479. The University has four campus areas in Copenhagen and consists of six faculties - Health and Medical Sciences, Humanities, Law, Science, Social Sciences and Theology - with over one hundred different departments, institutes, centres, laboratories and museums.
The motivational force of the University’s research activities is financially and politically independent, i.e. free basic research; however, specific collaborative endeavours with other institutions and companies also have a place among the countless research activities. The dissemination of knowledge and findings to other research environments and the general public is a natural element of the University’s research efforts.
The University of Copenhagen’s research-based education also enables the private and public sectors to recruit expert staff and access the latest knowledge in such diverse areas as health, food, biological production and globalisation.
Recent clashes put eastern Congo’s M23 into the headlines again, but many other security problems persist in the area as diplomats struggle to tackle the underlying causes.
Los ingresos de los trabajadores del sur de Europa afectados por despidos colectivos son, 5 años después del despido, un 30% más bajos; en los países del norte la merma no llega al 10%. Las diferencias se deben, en gran parte, a las probabilidades de encontrar un nuevo empleo.
Sam Jones, United Nations University and Finn Tarp, University of Copenhagen
The development strategy based on foreign investment in natural resources projects has not delivered economic growth or security. What’s needed is an inclusive vision based on local realities.
Advanced techniques allowed our research team to build an open database of billions of individual trees and challenge some common perceptions about vegetation in arid and semi-arid zones.
Des technologies de pointe permettent de construire une base de données ouverte de milliards d’arbres individuels, pour mieux comprendre la végétation en zone aride, loin des idées reçues.
Marie Rodet, SOAS, University of London; Bakary Camara, Université des sciences juridiques et politiques de Bamako, and Lotte Pelckmans, University of Copenhagen
Malgré l’abolition de l’esclavage en 1905, ce fléau n’a pas totalement disparu au Mali, où les supposés « descendants » des esclaves d’antan continuent d’être catégorisés comme esclaves eux-mêmes.
Marie Rodet, SOAS, University of London; Bakary Camara, Université des sciences juridiques et politiques de Bamako, and Lotte Pelckmans, University of Copenhagen
Descent-based slavery – when a slave status is ascribed to a person based on their alleged ancestry – continues to exist in Mali.
Because ethnic territories are a major source of political friction and persecution in the world, it’s important to investigate how they are created and used in conflicts.
Social relationships are generally good for mental health, but too much social activity can backfire, leading to fatigue and feelings of guilt when there isn’t enough time to nurture relationships.