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University of Copenhagen

With over 38,000 students and more than 9,000 employees, the University of Copenhagen is the largest institution of research and education in Denmark. The purpose of the University - to quote the University Statute - is to ‘conduct research and provide further education to the highest academic level’.

The University of Copenhagen is the oldest University in Denmark - founded in 1479. The University has four campus areas in Copenhagen and consists of six faculties - Health and Medical Sciences, Humanities, Law, Science, Social Sciences and Theology - with over one hundred different departments, institutes, centres, laboratories and museums.

The motivational force of the University’s research activities is financially and politically independent, i.e. free basic research; however, specific collaborative endeavours with other institutions and companies also have a place among the countless research activities. The dissemination of knowledge and findings to other research environments and the general public is a natural element of the University’s research efforts.

The University of Copenhagen’s research-based education also enables the private and public sectors to recruit expert staff and access the latest knowledge in such diverse areas as health, food, biological production and globalisation.


Displaying 61 - 80 of 145 articles

Dr Gildas Hounmanou with his colleagues at the University of Copenhagen. Hounmanou, from Benin, studied in Denmark. Danida Fellowship Centre/Vibeke Quaade

What African scholars think of studying in Denmark

Global research funding, such as that offered by Denmark’s government, can open doors for African researchers to study abroad and then take their skills home.
Río Segura a su paso por Murcia tras las intensas lluvias provocadas por el fenómeno DANA a principios de septiembre. Jose y yo Estudio/Shutterstock

Lo prudente es hablar de emergencia climática

La movilización mundial por el clima y el reciente compromiso climático de los medios de comunicación presentan una oportunidad única para por fin abordar la acción climática en unas elecciones.
Utö, Finlande, graffiti. La torture est un processus qui ne se limite pas à l'acte ni au moment où celui-ci survient mais qui se poursuit sur des générations. aaron blanco tejedor/Unsplash

Comment la torture déchire les sociétés

Les « anti-migrants » oublient que la réadaptation à la vie quotidienne est l’un des principaux obsctacles auxquels sont confrontées les victimes de la torture ou de toute autre forme de traumatisme.
Utö, Finland, graffiti. Torture is a process which doesn’t stop at the event itself but that eventually goes on through generations. aaron blanco tejedor/Unsplash

How torture tears apart societies from within

Torture is such a profound tear in the fabric that makes us human that it can distort even the most fundamental elements of social existence.


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