With over 38,000 students and more than 9,000 employees, the University of Copenhagen is the largest institution of research and education in Denmark. The purpose of the University - to quote the University Statute - is to ‘conduct research and provide further education to the highest academic level’.
The University of Copenhagen is the oldest University in Denmark - founded in 1479. The University has four campus areas in Copenhagen and consists of six faculties - Health and Medical Sciences, Humanities, Law, Science, Social Sciences and Theology - with over one hundred different departments, institutes, centres, laboratories and museums.
The motivational force of the University’s research activities is financially and politically independent, i.e. free basic research; however, specific collaborative endeavours with other institutions and companies also have a place among the countless research activities. The dissemination of knowledge and findings to other research environments and the general public is a natural element of the University’s research efforts.
The University of Copenhagen’s research-based education also enables the private and public sectors to recruit expert staff and access the latest knowledge in such diverse areas as health, food, biological production and globalisation.
New research shows how university garden initiatives can help drive transformative change and nurture a new generation of environmental and socially conscious change-makers.
Seperti halnya ekspresi budaya lainnya, cara kita menamai anak ternyata juga mengikuti tren. Hal ini terkait dengan selera dan juga pergeseran sosial yang lebih luas.
La question de savoir si l’intelligence artificielle pourrait potentiellement anéantir la civilisation humaine détourne l’attention de défis plus urgents.
The question of whether artificial intelligence could, hypothetically, wipe out human civilisation is counterproductive and diverts attention from more pressing challenges.
Plantearnos si la inteligencia artificial podría, hipotéticamente, acabar con la civilización humana, es contraproducente. Porque desvía nuestra atención de los graves retos reales que la IA plantea en la actualidad y genera un pánico innecesario.
Les élections qui viennent de se tenir en Thaïlande se sont soldées par la victoire de deux partis d’opposition. Les militaires au pouvoir risquent toutefois de refuser de s’effacer…
Un navire russe aurait récemment recueilli des données sur les infrastructures énergétiques et de communication en mer du Nord et dans la mer Baltique.
Los mecanismos de defensa que promueven la inflamación afectan la fertilidad humana. Y en este proceso desempeña un papel fundamental el inflamasoma, un complejo proteínico que hasta ahora había pasado inadvertido.
Penelitian baru menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan mengalihkan catatan keuntungan mereka ke surga pajak, meskipun telah ada upaya global untuk menindak praktik tersebut.